demoiselle and eurasian cranes

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Eurasian cranes. Out of these, about a total of 48 percent of the captive demoiselle and Eurasian cranes breed. The survey further showed that the hatching success rate recorded for demoiselle cranes was about 68 percent (478 eggs) and ...

SCWP | Xianghai National Nature Reserve | China
Red-crowned, White-naped, and Demoiselle Cranes, the Oriental White Stork, and Great Bustard. In addition, it remains one of the most important stopover sites for Siberian, Hooded, and Eurasian Cranes ...

San Diego Zoo's Birds: Crane
Siberian cranes, sandhill cranes Grus canadensis, Eurasian cranes Grus grus, whooping cranes, and demoiselle cranes. Some of their migrations are of epic proportions in terms of distance and altitude. ... Eurasian cranes, flying over the Himalaya Mountains at altitudes up to 32,800 feet (10,000 meters). That’s cruising altitude for jetliners! Meanwhile, some of the small demoiselle cranes ...