Results 1 - 10 from 15 for delayed implantation in 0.391 sec.
2007 IUCN Red List – Search
Breeding occurs in March to May, implantation is delayed until autumn, and birth is generally thought to occur from late November to mid- ... with polar bears pertains to their reproductive system. There are suggestions that species with delayed implantation are more vulnerable to the effects of pollution through endocrine (hormone) disruption. Further, female ...
Armadillo Nine Banded Pictures Photos and Information
This process, in which development of the embryo does not take place immediately, is called delayed implantation. Gestation takes 120 days. 1 - 4 young are born each year, depending on the species ...
The Giant Panda : a young cub
Through a remarkable process referred to as delayed implantation, the fertilized ovum divides a few times and then floats free within the uterus for ...
Fact File
None, breed throughout year. 6 - 8 weeks typical (may exhibit delayed implantation in some areas). More data needed Litter size: 1 rarely 2 cubs Conservation status: Unprotected ...
Badger damage control and management
Badgers breed in summer and early fall, but have delayed implantation, with active gestation beginning around February. Some yearling females may breed, but yearling males do ...
River otter control and management
Following breeding and fertilization in spring, eggs (blastocysts) exist in a free-floating state until ... of the range the dates of birth occur earlier, mostly in January and February, implying implantation in November and December. Litters usually contain 2 to 4 kits, and the female alone ...
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2007 IUCN Red List – Search
Breeding occurs in March to May, implantation is delayed until autumn, and birth is generally thought to occur from late November to mid- ... with polar bears pertains to their reproductive system. There are suggestions that species with delayed implantation are more vulnerable to the effects of pollution through endocrine (hormone) disruption. Further, female ...
Kodiak Island, Alaska - Official Visitors Guide - Bears - Reproduction
The female's ovum (egg), fertilized at breeding, does not implanting the uterus until a more opportune time. In the case of the Kodiak brown bear, implantation generally does ...
OTTERNET.COM Species Profiles- Sea Otter
Some scientists think that there is a period of around four months where there is delayed implantation and then the female will have another period of four weeks pregnancy. This adds up ...
OTTERNET.COM Species Profiles- The North American River Otter
The North American River Otter is problably the most numerous otter species. They exhibit delayed implantation with breeding in March-April and birth in late winter/early spring. Fossils of North ...
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