degraded lands

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Results 1 - 10 from 186 for degraded lands in 0.195 sec.

Rehabilitation of degraded lands in sub-Saharan Africa
Rehabilitation of degraded lands in sub-Saharan Africa

ETFRN - Rehabilitation of degraded lands
ETFRN - Rehabilitation of degraded lands More from this site

Environmental Restoration: Soil Pitting to Improve Arid Land Revegetation
Southwest. In degraded areas with limited seedbanks seeding should be done along with ... this is the most effective low cost method of starting degraded dry lands on the way to recovery. Studies in other ... selected as the preferred method for treating large areas of degraded lands and construction impacted soils. Further Reading: Bainbridge, D.A. 1997. ...

Integrated Biomass Energy Systems
... plantations can reduce demands on existing forests, lessen soil erosion, provide a means to restore degraded lands, and when combusted offset emissions and local impacts from fossil-fired power generation (e.g ...

Herbivores have strong negative impact on regeneration of degraded lands Controlled clearings in second growth forests enhance survival of commercially important trees Early ... what will be the role of forest remnants as seed sources for surrounding fallow lands? We also are addressing applied questions of how manipulation of abandoned pastures might ...

RCF: Inga spp.
Inga species have great potential for use on degraded lands, and forest or wildlife restoration projects throughout much of South America. Planners must pay more ...

Conservation International - Projects
CO2 released into the atmosphere. Reforesting and restoring degraded lands also reduces those emissions, since trees sequester carbon as they grow. Below are CI' ... 265 hectares of degraded pasture land in the western foothills of Ecuador. Together, we'll plant a mixture of 15 native tree species on former ranch lands, reconnecting existing forests ...

Great apes in the wild increasingly rare with habitat destruction, human encroachment
Wich said, but eco-friendly palm oil produced from already degraded lands or established palm oil plantations does exist. The main thing, Wich said, is to avoid ... working on labeling and other guidelines that will help consumers determine if rain forests were degraded to produce the palm oil. The RSPO plans to unveil its certification system at a ...

RE: Cancel public lands oil and gas leasing plan!
This alarming concentration on oil and gas development comes with a huge price tag of degraded wildlife habitat and polluted air and water. At risk are municipal watersheds, proposed wilderness, ... Americans in expecting you, as the steward of American lands, to take action to protect our wild and special places from being degraded by inappropriate exploitation. Most Sincerely, EAN Alerts Email List ...

Direct seeding - the natural solution for revegetating arid lands
Appropriate means for revegetating arid lands Perennials provide a permanent vegetative cover in arid lands and annuals can be intercropped. The roots anchor the soil ... to make it possible for farmers to establish edible perennials by direct seeding to stabilise degraded land. Farmers around the field station have been direct seeding since 1991. The numbers of ...

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