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Thylamys Genus Thylamys "Fat-Tailed" Mouse Opossums Thylamys elegans Thylamys macrura Thylamys pallidior Thylamys pusilla Thylamys velutinus ... ) took the Thylamys group of Tate (1933) and made it a genus. In 1989, Gardner and Creighton defined the genus Marmosops as the Tate (1933) group "noctivaga" and defined the genus Gracilinanus as the Tate (1933) microtarsus section of the group ...
Iguana Specialist Group (formerly the West Indian Iguana Specialist Group)
Etheridge 1989), as well as the South Pacific genus Brachylophus. Much attention has been given to the behavioral and ecological aspects of iguana biology ... defined, especially within the genera Ctenosaura and Cyclura, and ideally all should be verified by several genetic markers. The radiation of rock iguanas throughout the Greater Antilles and the Bahamas is among the most diverse within the ...
Key to the lichen genera of the Guianas
Badimia, Loflammia, Sporopodium, not identifiable without apothecia; artificially arranged in the genus Pyrenotrichum 181 b hygrophores or other brush-like conidiogenous structures 186 c immersed ... I+ weakly staining, rounded axial mass (Lecanora-type); spores halonate; exciple with well-defined cortical and medullary parts, but lacking algae "Megalaria" b Asci without rounded, I+ ...
2007 IUCN Red List – Search
Rhynchocyon. The common name "sengi" is being used in place of elephant-shrew by many biologists to try and disassociate the Macroscelidea from the true shrews (family Soricidae) in the ...
The Giant Salamanders
The Giant Salamanders THE GIANT SALAMANDERS Families; Cryptobranchidae -hellbenders Proteidae - waterdogs, water dogs, water-dogs, mudpuppies (Genus Necturus) Amphiumidae - amphiuma Sirenidae - sirens Amphiumidae and Sirenidae are ... the total length. There are 14 costal grooves (not well defined). Four toes are on each foot, outer toes are shorter than the inner. Coloration is lighter than on the ...
ABCDE) controlled by the toxR gene that is activated when the bacterium invades the rice plant. Disruption of the ... the antibiotic résistance genes described above because toxoflavin can be detected by its fluorescence and its absence is readily detected. Another danger from the transgenic B. glumae proposed for release is that the genus ...
2007 IUCN Red List – Search
V. bennettiana, a very much smaller- and finer-meshed species in which the tetrasporangial stichidia are also easily defined. There are now four species. Eric Coppejans (pers. comm.) indicates that ... reported a sighting during the 12 years I have been based at the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney. The genus is known to have an isomorphic alternation of generations. This means that the haploid male ...
State Laws & Short-Tailed Opossums
R12-4-401. The taxonomic classification from Volumes I and II of Walker's Mammals of the World, Fifth Edition, 1991, and not including any later edition, shall be the authority in the following designations; a copy is on file with the Office of the Secretary of State and is available for inspection at any Department office. All species of the genus ...
Thylacoleo - The Classification of Thylacoleonids
Archer and Dawson (1982) have defined the position of some of these taxa. Plectodon Krefft, 1870: A brief description was published by ... A third species of this genus, W. alcootaensis, from the Miocene Alcoota local fauna of the Northern Territory (Archer and Rich 1982), would appear to be the largest member of the genus yet found. This ...
Allium Species - the Perennial Onions - Plants For A Future
Cultivation Most members of the genus ... form clearly defined bulbs, but form a clump of rhizome-like roots. In this case you dig up the clump in the spring, ... , and perhaps also experimenting with some of the several hundred other species in the genus. Database The database has more details on these plants: ...
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