deer populations

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Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui, Hawaii
Molokai population were transplanted to Lanai (Graf & Nichols 1966). Deer populations flourished on Oahu, Molokai, and Lanai. Variable hunting pressure has existed on these populations since ... -established deer occupying and populating forbidden sites; for this reason, moderate levels of control will likely be needed on a continual basis as long as deer populations exist on ...

KIWC Newsletter March 2000 VOL.10 (2/4)
Research on the distribution of deer populations has been conducted since fiscal year 1984 to obtain basic data on the ecology of Sika deer. As a result, its major habitats, estimated populations, seasonal migration, age ...

Under Fire: Maine's Coyote Snaring Program Feels the Heat from Feds, Activists, Budget Cuts
FWS’ view. The department also agrees with snaring proponents that snaring helps protect some local deer populations in northern and eastern Maine from coyote predation. IFW has understandably been "preoccupied," says ... tally of non-target species captured last winter includes four bobcats, 17 red fox, eight deer, two snowshoe hares and two fishers, according to FWS. Bobcats, close in behavior and ...

Calculating the Costs of Maine's Coyote Snaring Program
In any case, they argue that snaring is not an effective deer protection strategy, as proponents claim. Coyote in leg-hold trap. Snaring advocates are prepared ... primary factor limiting deer populations," Hulsey said. But lack of funds – partly due to the expenditure on coyote snaring – meant that 10-week seasonal contracts to help with surveying deer wintering areas ... More from this site

Earthquakess and Life -- The Untold Story
Hurricane Andrew. All radiomarked deer survived the hurricane. Hurricanes appear not to exert direct detrimental effects on deer populations in the interior marshes of the Everglades. [Labisky, R. F. (1999) Effect of Hurricane Andrew on survival and movements of white-tailed deer in the Everglades ...

White-tailed Deer - Odocoileus virginianus - NatureWorks
Other things can change deer populations. Disease and parasites like lice, mites and roundworms can weaken or kill deer. Young deer and old deer often ...

Project Wildlife: Living with Deer
America had been reduced through overhunting to one-tenth of their former population. Conservation efforts and habitat restoration begun early in this century have replenished deer populations. Today the black-tailed deer population is fairly stable, although some subspecies are threatened because they cannot adapt to human development. Supplemental feeding of deer ...

Deer as Pests in the Urban and Suburban Pacific Northwest
Deer-Resistant Plants In areas with large deer populations it probably makes sense to landscape with deer-resistant plants. These are plants that for the most part, will avoid serious deer damage. Keep in mind that no plant is deer- ...

NATURAL PEST CONTROL: Natural, Deet-Free, Non-Toxic Pest Control and Insect Repellant, Mosquitos, Flies, Deer, Natural Pesticides, Insecticides and More
CONTROL: Natural, Deet-Free, Non-Toxic Pest Control and Insect Repellant, Mosquitos, Flies, Deer, Natural Pesticides, Insecticides and More ECO-FRIENDLY FLOORING Insect-Resistant, Cork Flooring, Recycled ... the environment at risk. Simple changes in your environment can significantly reduce pest populations. Before reaching for a pesticide, monitor the pest population, make structural repairs, use ...

Richard D. The Hunt At Bay; A Paper on Stag-Hunting October 1999 "Deer hunting involves many of the issues involved in the far more common fox or hare ... threat, the conflict between the welfare of individual animals and welfare of whole populations. ... Still, the case that deer hunting is unacceptably cruel is not certain and it is certainly not, finally ...

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