Results 1 - 10 from 18 for deed restriction in 0.270 sec.
Legacy Land Trust - Easements - A Primer on Conservation Easements
Wetlands 4. What is a conservation easement? A restriction landowners place on their property, similar to a permanent deed restriction, which restricts most development and protects the conservation value of ... 8. Which tax considerations are not included in an Agricultural use valuation or self-imposed deed restrictions ? They do not provide federal income or estate tax benefits 9. How high ...
Legacy Land Trust : Creating a legacy of protected lands since 1993
Frequently Asked Questions What is a conservation easement? A conservation easement is a deed restriction that a landowner either donates or sells to a “qualified organization” such as a ...
The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts, Inc. OPTIONS FOR LANDOWNERS
Deed restrictions will usually affect the market value of the land if they significantly limit development potential. The presence of a restriction may lower ... Clauses A conditional transfer gives more force to a deed restriction. The deed contains a clause which states that if the restrictions entered in the deed are violated, title to the land will ...
Ecotecture | BUILDING ECOCITIES: Richard Register
The original property is sold, and a deed restriction is attached to it from that time on. The seller gets the money but can ...
Insidious Subsidies Granted to the Automobile
We can however decide to change the car subsidies associated with buildings, by using deed restrictions and car usage fees, and there is no reason why in this area Santa ... types of houses, with the limited car ownership rights (or quota) built in as a deed restriction, and a DMV privacy waiver required for ownership or occupancy so the city would be ...
Section Reporter - December 2005 -
Use of park property for a telecommunications tower violated a deed restriction limiting use of property only for passive park purposes. AT&T Wireless Services of ... and alleging that the tower violated the deed restriction. The trial court granted injunctive relief finding that AT&T and the City, aware of the deed restriction, never sought WCIs consent. The ...
Heritage Conservancy: Land Conservation Strategies: Landowner's Options for Protecting Family Lands
DEED RESTRICTION -- a written stipulation contained within a deed that restricts certain future uses of the property generally inserted at the time of transfer. A deed restriction may include restrictions similar ...
IMBA News: Action Alerts: Access Threatened at Nisene Marks Near Santa Cruz (11-07-04)
Nisene Marks heirs, believing that it was a permitted activity under the deed restriction. Bicycles were not specifically prohibited from the park, and State Parks considered bicycling to ... Court of Appeals will enforce California's statutes, find the power of termination and related restriction to have expired, and therefore reverse Judge Hersher's decision. If successful on appeal, ...
ITRC - Alternative Landfill Technologies
HH&E. Institutional controls required by covenant, deed restriction, or other agency mechanisms continue to ensure the property is managed according to its planned ...
Greater Worcester Land Trust: MLTC Conservation Resource Library
Legal Advisories Protection Against Disposition of Land Eminent Domain and Restricted Lands Permanent Deed Restriction/CPA Land Trust Success Stories and Case Studies MA Land Trust Wins Membership ... Laws Job Descriptions Mission Statements Board Basics Board Recruitment Declaration of Trust Gift Deed Setting Conservation Priorities Policy Holding Easements on Land Trust Preserves No Extinguishment ...
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