Results 1 - 10 from 43 for declines and extinctions in 0.289 sec.
2007 IUCN Red List – Search
B. Young 2005. Catastrophic population declines and extinctions in Neotropical harlequin frogs (Bufonidae: Atelopus). Biotropica 37(2): 190-201. Lips, K.R. 1999. Mass mortality and population declines of anurans at an ... and the risk of predation by frog-eating flies. Biotropica 19: 306-309. Pounds, J.A. and Crump, M.L. 1994. Amphibian declines and climate disturbance: The case of the golden toad and ...
Earth Witness Community - Words About Extinction
Orie Loucks, 1991 About frogs and toads: "The causes of such declines and extinctions are, as in most ecological tragedies of this sort, hard to identify exactly, But acid rain and global warming are implicated, ...
Froglog 53-4
The Global Amphibian Assessment and the DAPTF Declining Amphibians Database (dad) will play a key role in identifying the funding priorities for both research and ...
Froglog 46-7
Australia. Biol. Conservation 100: 187-198. Heyer, W. R. (2000) Amphibian declines and extinctions: The situation in Latin America. In Péfaur, J.E. (ed), Ecología Latinoamericana: Actas ... (Taricha granulosa) in lentic habitats. Northwestern Naturalist 81: 31-34. The report "Population Declines of Amphibians in Latin America", describing the three international workshops held in November ...
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Global Amphibian Assessment
To identify geographic areas with the highest rates of extinction for conservation efforts. 3. To identify major factors that contribute to amphibian extinctions and ... Plan Declaration: Understanding the causes of declines and extinctions Documenting amphibian diversity and how it is changing Developing and implementing long-term conservation programs ...
Eco-Index: On the Record
Around the world, amphibians are facing population declines and extinctions at an alarming rate. Experts estimate that 32 percent of the world's 5,743 amphibian species are classified as being threatened with extinction, and at ...
The Herpetological Conservation Trust - Chytridiomycosis
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis was first identified in the late 1990s in both the Americas and Australia. It is believed to have emerged from Africa (as suggested by examinations ... all continents where amphibians occur. It is responsible for the disease chytridiomycosis, causing population declines and extinctions in at least 120 species of amphibians worldwide. Effects of chytridiomycosis It is ...
Sustainable Practices :: Conservation Education :: IZE
The extent of these declines and extinctions is without precedent among any other group of species over the last few millennia, and ...
ECO-PROS Human Impact on Oceans
THE OCEAN WATERS AND SHORELINES Acid rain from above and toxic waste from below. STUDIES SOUND ALARMS FOR DESTRUCTIONS OF ANCIENT ECOSYSTEMS AND EXTINCTIONS OF MARINE SPECIES A ... and species consume and absorb them. Pollutants have caused major declines in species, and are threatening the planet's ecological stability; and therefore, our life support system. Sewage, toxic chemicals, pulp mill and ...
Press Release: Last Goodbyes, Extinctions - Amphibians Extinction, By
Steve Connor, The Independent, October 15, 2004
"The bottom line is that there's almost no evidence of recovery and no known ... wild. Most enigmatic declines have been recorded from the Americas south to Ecuador and Brazil, Australia and New Zealand, but they are spreading, for instance to Peru, Chile, Dominica, Spain and Tanzania." Many of ...
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