debris flows

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Results 1 - 10 from 123 for debris flows in 0.270 sec.

Forests, atmospheric water and water yield Forests, floods and debris flows Forests and sedimentation Forests and water quality Watersheds: recognizing upstream–downstream linkages Conclusions and recommendations ...

EFM Traditional Training Program: Sustainable Earth Forum
Introduce other hazards such as landslides, debris flows, floods, subsidence, liquefaction, and soil and groundwater contamination, and the county agencies involved with such ...

Changed Southwestern Forests: Resource effects and management remedies (part 3 of 3)
N availability and productivity (Covington and Sackett, 1988). Coarse woody debris (CWD) is essential for ectomycorrhizal activity. While too little will reduce productivity, so will ... the upper 30 cm. in an area severely burned, due to the repellency after fire. Debris flows increase following severe fires (Jensen and Cole, 1965; Klock and Healvey, 1976). During heavy rains ...

Peace Corps Master's International Program in Mitigation of Natural Geological Hazards
Geological Hazards. The program's scope includes earthquakes, volcanic hazards, slope stabilities, landslides, debris flows, droughts and floods and also indirect linkages such as the impact of these events on ...

Natural Investigate: Slope Failures
Flows: slow to rapid movement of rock, soil, snow, or ice. Types of flows include mud flows, earthflows, debris flows, and snow avalanches. Slides:slow to rapid ...

Natural Help Your Community
... Thunderstorms Temperature Extremes - Heat Winter Storms and Extreme Cold Geologic Hazards Earthquakes Floods Landslides and Debris Flows Tsunamis Volcanoes Wildland Fire More from this site

Large Woody Debris
Where a landslide triggers a mud flow, abundant or woody debris just downstream of the initiation site may halt the debris before it reaches larger channels. On larger channels , wood also ... , size , and quantity of in-stream wood necessary to protect channels from increased disruption from debris flows or gullying or to provide adequate habitat for fish and wildlife." Even CDF's own ...

Michiel Helsen
Reijmer, M.P. Scheele Annal of Glaciology 39, 293-299 2002 Magnitude-Frequency relationships for debris flows on the fan of the Chalance torrent, Valgaudemar (French Alps) M.M. Helsen, P.J ... . van Steijn Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27, 1299-1307 PDF 2001 Geomorphic evolution of debris fans in the Du Toit's Kloof, Western Cape Mountains J.C. Boelhouwers, F.C ...

NOAA/PMEL/TAO El Niño Impacts
USGS Photos Photos of Laguna Canyon Landslide Wildfires and debris flow details Landslides and debris flows in coastal southern CA San Francisco area Coastal monitoring program - before/after photos ...

California Coastal Commission. The Problem With Marine Debris
Most storm drain systems discharge directly into the nearest waterway, which eventually flows to the ocean. Trash may also be dumped directly into the ocean by recreational and ... Bulletin 42, 1297-1300. 2 Laist, D. W., 1997. Impacts of marine debris: entanglement of marine life in marine debris including a comprehensive list of species with entanglement and ingestion records. In ...

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