Results 1 - 10 from 111 for dead dolphins in 0.314 sec.
Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
The claimed "kill reductions" are more an artifact of a loose procedure for counting dead dolphins than any change in fishing methodology by these nations, because there HAS BEEN NO ... reproductive potential. In this case, that species is the dolphins, and yet GreenpeaceUSA has endorsed shifting bycatch biomass grossly toward more dolphins. § set sustainable catch quotas for tuna and require ...
Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
The new definition claims to prohibit dolphin mortality in the ETP using the encirclement method of fishing because an observer will certify whether he saw any dead dolphins ... -down procedure, where, instead of hauling dolphins on board with the tuna (which was invariably fatal to the dolphins), the fishermen release the dolphins alive (traumatized, stressed, injured, but ...
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Dolphin Care UK -
These Common Dolphins leaping is just how we should see them, not like the photo below. Dolphins and porpoises are dying in hundreds, maybe thousands, in fishing nets around the UK. The awful spectacle of dead dolphins on our beaches will continue unless more action is taken. The death of dolphins and porpoises in ...
Dolphin Care UK -
The UK and French fleets combined could be killing over 2000 dolphins a year. ... whales, dolphins and porpoises a year. Overall it has been estimated that 23 percent of the global fisheries catch is returned, dead, ... catch of cetaceans in fisheries, particularly about the stranding of dead dolphins and the numerous concerns triggered by such events. Regarding the ...
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Marine Connection - Bycatch News
North Island. Although it is not uncommon for dolphins ... see common dolphins so far inshore as, they tend to inhabit deeper waters, unlike bottlenose dolphins which ... dolphins dying increased by two thirds in 2007. The New Zealand Department of Conservation figures show 25 hector's dolphins, which are an endangered species, were found dead ...
Marine Connection
More Dead dolphins found on Black Sea coast (Added:- 26 April 2006) Twenty-five dead dolphins washed up on Bulgaria's ... found dead off the Atlantic coast around the Bay of Biscay. Strong winds brought the bodies in which included common dolphins. There ... 20 dolphins have washed up dead on the UK southwest's beaches. Initial post-mortem results of two of the dolphins indicate that ...
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Hong Kong's fish catch peaked in 1989. Several dead dolphins have shown signs of having been caught and/ ... can You do to save the dolphins? Report sightings -- Routine sightings: fax to the World Wide Fund for Nature, 2845-2734. Urgent cases (dead dolphins washed up, or dolphins being sold in the ...
trawling | Greenpeace UK
Channel, a total of 12 dead dolphins of which 10 were identified as common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) were found floating in the water. These dolphins were likely to be the ... the information gathered about each of the dead dolphins, including photographs of characteristic markings and details of the tags attached. PDF: Dead dolphins in the English Channel Tags: bycatch, whaling, reports ...
OF THE DOLPHINS --SYNCHRONICITY-- THE DANCE OF THE DOLPHINS. The perpetual & ecstatic dance of the Dolphins has captivated Humanity since the beginning of recorded history & probably through pre-historic times. The Dolphins live in ... the Dolphin found that he was gone, never to come back, realising that he was dead, his empathy was so deep that he himself died of sorrow. Pliny writes: "I should ...
Prospect Reef, Dolphins Plus relocated their dolphins to Salisbury, Dominica, to be used in a commercial dolphin swim program there. Just about one week later, Isla was dead. One of ... to swim with captive dolphins. At Dolphins Plus alone, ten dolphin calves have died since 1990. Several incidents of dolphins having caused injuries to human swimmers have occurred at Dolphins Plus. If you ...
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