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Topic Area: Marine Park Management and TACs in Coral Harvest
(Harriott, 2001). Current trends in harvesting coral reflect a significant change in market demand and industry patterns since the ... 4 tonnes, with an industry-wide TAC of 212 tonnes. The TAC includes living rock, dead coral and live hard corals, soft corals, anemones and cnidarians (Harriott, 2001). In recent years, only ...
CHAMP - Coral Reef Biology - NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
The visible "black-band" moves across living coral tissue at a rate of a few millimeters per day leaving dead coral skeleton behind. Different coral ...
CHAMP - Coral Disease Identification and Information - NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
Coral Reef Symposium. Australia, 157-162 Frias-Lopez J, Zerkle A, Bonheyo G Fouke B (2002). 'Partitioning of bacterial communities between seawater and healthy, black band diseased, and dead coral surfaces.' Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (5):2214-2228 Garrett P Ducklow P (1975). 'Coral disease in Bermuda.' Nature 253 (January 31 ...
Coral reefs of Hawai'i
Some parrotfish also eat live coral and can generate a large amount of sediment which ... are almost always dominated by finger coral, whose thin vertical branches quickly overgrow other coral species. These patterns suggest that finger coral is the dominant coral competitor on Hawaiian reefs (Maragos, 1972 ...
Coral reefs: a growing concern
Coral Reef Alliance and co-creator of the mineral accretion method. "It is the only technology in the world that can grow corals and build effective erosion barriers for coastlines." Dead coral becomes covered by "bad" algae -- that squeeze out new coral To understand why mineral accretion works -- and why it's vital to coral survival -- it's important to understand what coral ...
Mysterious New Diseases Devastate Coral Reefs
GCRA OVERVIEW FAQ NEWS ARTICLES PHOTOS REEF ISSUES RESTORATION PAPERS LINKS Mysterious New Diseases Devastate Coral Reefs New York Times Science Desk | 8/19/1997 Carol Kaesuk Yoon (NYT) ABSTRACT - Researchers ... J. Goreau and James Cervino, found something they had never seen before, huge patches of dead coral, bright white where the skeleton had been exposed after tissue had died; the skeleton itself ...
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NOAA's Coral Reef Reporter's Tip Sheet - Week 41
The ratio of live to dead coral was highest in the Red Sea ... reefs have been damaged by blast fishing." According to Global Coordinator and coral reef biologist Dr. Gregor Hodgson, these results are an urgent ... of what recreational divers have been reporting for several years -- coral reefs are being abused by man on a world-wide ...
UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Publications - In Dead Water - Coral Bleaching
(Donner et al., 2005). Figure 10:The impacts of coral reefs from rising sea temperatures. When coral reefs become heat-exposed they die, leaving the white dead coral, also known as bleaching. With even moderate pollution, the coral are easily ...
UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Publications - In Dead Water - Ocean Acidification
This, in turn, may have severe impacts on coral reefs and other biocalcifying organisms. There is little debate on ... acidification as a natural chemical process. The skeletons of coldwater coral reefs may dissolve, perhaps already within a few decades. The ... exposed to these waters will be corroded. Dead coral fragments, important for the settlement of coral larvae e.g. to re-colonise a ...
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Eco-Pros Coral Communities
As these limestone skeletons are continually created, from dead and living coral polyps, the limestone may form into tubes, domes, branches, fan shapes, or any variety of structures. As more coral animals develop ...
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