Results 1 - 8 from 8 for ddt and its derivatives in 0.280 sec.
IPCS INCHEM - Environmental Health Criteria Monographs
Cypermethrin (EHC 82, 1989) Cypermethrin, alpha- (EHC 142, 1992) DDT and its derivatives (EHC 9, 1979) DDT and its derivatives: environmental aspects (EHC 83, 1989) Deltamethrin (EHC 97, 1990) Demeton- ... Styrene (EHC 26, 1983) Sulfur oxides and suspended particulate matter (EHC 8, 1979) Tecnazene (EHC 42, 1984) Tetrabromobisphenol A and derivatives (EHC 172, 1995) Tetrachloroethylene (EHC 31, ...
Picking Cotton Carefully
Both the FAO and WHO recognise that the chemical pesticides applied to cotton can contaminate cottonseed and its derivatives. While several other studies have shown that ... hectare of cotton. And that this has contaminated 90 percent of the land and groundwater at 100-150metres with DDT and lindane [3]. The Uzbekistan State forces children, teachers and doctors away ...
Protocol on the Protection of the Black Sea Marine Environment Against
Pollution by Dumping (1992)
Annex I. 2. Cyanides, fluorides, and elemental phosphorus. 3. Pathogenic micro-organisms. 4. Nonbiodegradable detergents and ... and distance from the coast) and its relation to areas of special interest (e.g. amenity areas, spawning, nursery and fishing grounds). 2. Methods and technologies of packaging and ...
Annex I. 2. Cyanides, flourides, and elemental phosphorus. 3. Pathogenic micro-organisms. 4. Nonbiodegradable detergents and ... and topographic characteristics of the coastal area. 2. Location and type of discharge (outfall, canal, outlet, etc. ) and its relation to other areas (such as amenity areas, spawning, nursery and fishing areas, shellfish grounds) and ...
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LIPU-UK -> Working in Britain for Birds in Italy - Ali Notizie
June 2000
Europe and in their wintering areas in Africa. LIPU, and its ... chemicals which are now banned in the west, such as derivatives of DDT. For these reasons LIPU, in partnership with other international and African organisations, is taking part in projects in Africa, ...
Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?
Also, the ubiquity of soybean derivatives as food additives in the modern American diet virtually ensures ... of mosquitoes developed resistance to the now-banned pesticide DDT, many people are concerned that insects will become resistant ... 's endemic poverty and feed its exploding population. Some states in Brazil have banned GM crops entirely, and the Brazilian Institute ...
Our Stolen Future: Affecting other hormone systems
DDT metabolite (DDOH), strongly inhibit binding of synthetic progesterone ... and its metabolic derivatives interact with the mammalian retinoid X receptors and thereby stimulate gene transcription in vertebrates. Methoprene, an insect growth regulator, is used in agriculture and domestic settings as a pesticide because of its ...
Our Stolen Future: Effects of synthetic chemicals on thyroid function
DDT, amitrole, thiocarbamates, polyhalogenated hydrocarbons (e.g., PCBs), phenol derivatives and phthalates. She ... fetus in the womb is highly sensitive to alterations in thyroid hormones, especially its developing brain. A table compiled by Brucker-Davis summarizes data on over ...
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