cultural revolution

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Results 1 - 10 from 173 for cultural revolution in 0.306 sec.

Ecological asceticism: a cultural revolution
Ecological asceticism: a cultural revolution Ecological asceticism: a cultural revolution METROPOLITAN JOHN OF PERGAMON calls for a new concept of quality of life in a ... and social institutions of all kinds. It would probably amount to no less than a cultural revolution. Such a reorientation of our culture would require the involvement and cooperation of all the ...

Industrial Domestication; Industry as the Origins of Modern Domination
France, only England can have... a serious economic revolution. The English have all the necessary material for the social revolution. What they lack is the generalizing spirit and ... of domestication. English historians often find it unaccountable that the "industrial revolution" was not accompanied by a "cultural revolution" that would have integrated the poor into the "industrial spirit" ( ...

Argument - Agricultural Policy Intervention Costs
"Great Leap Forward" to the "Cultural Revolution." On a smaller scale, we can also say that a wrong agricultural policy can be ...

Essence Of Permaculture
Inevitably such a revolution is fraught with many confusions, false leads, risks and inefficiencies. We appear to have little time to achieve this revolution. In this ... requires a cultural revolution greater than any of the tumultuous changes of the last century. Permaculture design and action over the last quarter century, has shown that revolution to be ...

The E. F. Schumacher Society • Newsletters
Even then we knew that gathering was a unique moment in time, a cultural revolution in the making. David Ehrenfeld wanted to capture that moment in pamphlets. The first lecture ... printed. But every lecture did remain true to a revolutionary new spirit sweeping the cultural landscape—a revolution which applies the criteria of “scale”to our thinking on economics, education, ...

A nonviolent scenario: Ready for deep revolution?
A nonviolent scenario Ready for deep revolution? When the gasoline pump dries up When the human mind opens to possibilities without oil This will signal the cultural revolution of all time Unmatched for ... Cruz, in what some call Ecotopia. It is hoped that my twelve stanzas of visualizing cultural revolution will be worthy to someone, about something, in the cosmic struggle. For instance, between ...

No Evolution Without Revolution (Do or Die)
Revolution (Do or Die) Home An article from Do or Die Issue 6. ... of ecological decline, or a transformed future in which both biological and cultural diversity can flourish once more. The great Scottish naturalist Frank Fraser Darling ... dismantling the great land holdings that exercise such a tyranny over space (physical AND cultural) and its potential. One thing is for sure - the ultimate cruelty is ...

Spirit & Enlightenment Cultural Entomology Digest 1
Chinese philosophy and aesthetic symbolism. Cultural Entomology Insects influence many realms of human cultural existence including literature, poetry, music, art, photography, amusement ... a general revolution in people's attitudes towards the environment and their true significance as biological entities related to the planet. This paper exposes cultural entomological ...

Almanac of Policy Issues: Cultural Issues
These were accompanied by other significant societal changes, like the sexual revolution and changes in what is deemed acceptable on television and in the media. Such ... May 27, 2003) Human Cloning (Human Genome Project: January 12, 2004) Directory Almanac Home General Cultural Policy Links Abortion (29) Arts (11) Assisted Suicide (2) Civil Liberties (29) Civil Rights ( ...

Butterfly and Moth Symbolism List 3 Cultural Entomology Digest 4
Butterfly and Moth Symbolism List 3 Cultural Entomology Digest 4 Lepidoptera Symbols Relating to Flight (continued) by Ronald A. Gagliardi edited by ... to get back to the simpler things. It came at the same time the Industrial Revolution was in full swing and urged rejection of it. Nature The butterfly has already been ...

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