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Wise weeds
(Brassica hirta) Neutral or alkaline pH Edible, grape Mustards (Brassica spp.) Hardpan or crusty surface; dry, often with thin topsoil Edible, leave beneath grape Nettles (Urtica dioica) ... fertility is low Edible, hold erosion, all nightshades Pineappleweed (Matricaria matrcarioides) Hardpan or crusty surface Plantains (Plantago spp.) Heavy clay soil; waterlogged or poorly drained; tilled or ...
Weed Management
Sunflowers, and small grains such as oats and wheat, release toxins either as root exudate ... known as twitch grass, couch grass or scutch grass) -- soil compaction at the soil surface, a hardpan or crusty surface; calcium deficiency. • Milkweed and thistles -- deep soil compaction, with milkweed favoring moist land ...
Environmental Restoration: Deep Pipe Irrigation
San Diego county have demonstrated that deep pipe systems are much more efficient than surface drip or conventional surface irrigation. Deep pipe irrigation develops a much larger effective rooting volume and plants ... 15 feet tall. Deep pipe irrigation can be especially useful on slopes and in crusty soils where surface applied water will run off. It increases the ease of watering remote sites and ...
These are typified by loss of hair with or without white crusty covering. If there are no ectoparasites found in a skin scraping, one should consider a ...
WebMuseum: Cézanne, Paul: House of the Hanged Man
Repeated reworkings, over almost the entire surface, characterize this painting. Canvas texture is practically irrelevant, but the effects of stiff, crusty paint dragged across previously dried brushstrokes, are fundamental to ...
His time in the saltwater had taken a toll, however. A crusty, milky-white discharge came from his right nostril, and he was dehydrated and disoriented. After ... forward progress could then only be tracked by the trail of bubbles rising to the surface from his fur. The beaver resurfaced in the distance and disappeared into a thick tangle ...