Results 1 - 2 from 2 for crittercam invented in 0.073 sec.
Crittercam FAQs--Answers About National Geographic's Animal Cameras
Crittercam? Do Crittercams bother animals? How was Crittercam invented? Have you lost any Crittercams? Who makes Crittercam? What do you learn with Crittercam? What animals have worn Crittercam? How much does a Crittercam ...
National Geographic Speakers Bureau: Greg Marshall
Crittercam Exhibition on Flickr As executive producer and director of remote imaging at National Geographic, Marshall has a really cool job. Basically, he gets to attach highly sophisticated camera equipment he invented to wildlife such as emperor penguins, seals, killer whales, lions, tigers, and bears. All of this does have a point. Marshall's Crittercam was designed ...
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