critical frequencies

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Results 1 - 10 from 18 for critical frequencies in 0.297 sec.

NGDC/STP - Vertical Incidence Soundings (Ionograms)
For frequencies approaching the level of maximum plasma frequency in a layer, the virtual height tends ... zero speed. The frequencies at which this occurs are called the critical frequencies. Characteristic values of virtual heights (designated as h'E, h'F, and h'F2, etc.) and critical frequencies (designated as ...

Noiseletter - Spring 2001, Page 4
Contrary to boom car enthusiasts' popular belief that intense low frequencies would not harm hearing (program contents are often devoid of higher frequencies), medical research has proven that "feeling" the music ... Given the reality of the size and mass of a human body, a critical frequency or a set of critical frequencies must exist, resulting in very major physiological trauma and even death. ...

OMI's Dr. Green Talks in Berlin
LFAS and other high intensity sonar technologies. Some of these sonars, like LFAS, use low frequencies while others use mid-frequency signals. All of these high intensity active sonars, regardless of ... mass strandings, are being deployed, tested, or reconditioned for use in coastal waters, which contain critical habitat for marine mammals and other ocean life. I just arrived here yesterday from ...

Climate Change and Nature Conservation
Warming is being accompanied by changing precipitation patterns and increased frequencies of extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts and storms. Sea levels ... of species and their habitats over wide geographic areas, including: highlighting the critical importance of designated nature conservation sites (international, national and local) in accommodating ...

Books on the Topic of Electromagnetic Science
Covers the entire spectrum from DC up through optical frequencies. 200 pages, 1999. Basic Introduction To Bioelectromagnetics (Cat. #A574) ……. $94.95 VIEW SHOPPING CART ... present-day electrical devices and materials current troubleshooting methods are explored to help develop critical-thinking skills problems and solutions at the end of each unit help readers ...

National Response Corp. - Support
Fully programmable UHF & VHF radios operating on FCC authorized spill response frequencies are distributed to NRC Regional Managers, ICN crew supervisors, and representatives of ... estimated/actual arrival times of response resources, area unique characteristics, and other information critical to managing time-sensitive response activities. With immediate presentation of the right ...

The Efficient Windows Collaborative: Resources
Standard sheet of float glass which has not been heat-treated. Annealing. Heating above the critical or recrystallization temperature, then controlled cooling of metal, glass, or other materials to eliminate ... STC). The sound transmission loss rating of a material over a selected range of sound frequencies. The higher the number, the less sound transmitted. Spectrally selective coating. A coated or ...

Photovoltaic Information (Solar Electric Cells)
If utility power fails, the inverter can still operate, supplying critical loads. If a standby generator is started, it can also supply power to loads. The ... fuel-powered generators. Most of them can be special ordered with other output voltages and frequencies for use anywhere in the world. Interference The electronic circuitry in inverters may, in some ...

Habitat Media - interview transcript
First Nations' heritage as well, so it's just critical to do that. They're also excellent beacons of the general health of our natural ... , rather than two. This occurs rarely in nature, but you can induce it to high frequencies in the laboratory and the fish end up being completely sterile. What the issue then ...

HBOI | Marine Science | Visual Ecology
These In situ investigations have determined that the daytime depth distributions of ... are bilobed euphausiids (daytime depth distribution = 400-600 m), who have extraordinarily high flicker fusion frequencies, ranging from 40-50 Hz. Listen to Dr. Frank's lecture at the 2001 Ocean ...