covering the periods

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Results 1 - 10 from 125 for covering the periods in 0.407 sec.

Japan data
Yokohama covering the periods 1860-1871 and 1874; from Osaka covering the periods 1828-1833 and 1869-1871; and from Kobe covering the periods 1869-1871 and 1875-1888. The ...

Chemical Information System (The CIS) - THE CIS NEWS
CAS adopted the practice of closing the indices periodically, and starting a new index afresh. Thus, there are now a series of "collective indices" covering various periods of time. The first "collective index" ran from 1907 to 1916. In 1917 began the second "collective index," which ran until 1926, and so forth up to the present ...

The UK Groundwater Forum
UK which simulate the change in climate. The UK Climate Impact Programme (UKCIP), funded by the Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) predicts that average temperatures in the ...

The Hawk Conservancy Trust - Anatomy of a Raptor
The short, bristly feathers around the mouths of owls are incredibly sensitive, and are used by the owl to 'feel' for its food, ... Broadwings include Vultures, most Eagles and Buzzards. The wings are long and broad and are designed to allow the bird to soar effortlessly for long periods, using rising air currents. Shortwings include ...

The History of Cosmic Inquiry | The Franklin Institute's Resources for Science Learning
Cepheid variable stars in spiral nebulae. Hubble showed in 1925 that the largest spiral nebula, the great Andromeda galaxy, lies far outside the Milky Way. ... and back, while the other, covering the same distance, just crosses the river and returns. The second swimmer will always win, if there is any current in the river." 4 But the sensitive experiment revealed ...

The International Grid - 8 July 1995 - No. 1985 Weekly £1.70 - New Scientist, GLOBAL POWER: The electric hypergrid - Transmission - Technical Articles - Index - Library - GENI - Global Energy Network Institute
Sea links The sea is only a minor obstacle to European grid-builders. The cross-Channel link is 50-kilometres long, and ... continental Europe. In North America, there are two prime grids, both cross-border, covering the east and west of the US and Canada. Power from Quebec's hydroelectric plants around James Bay, with ...

Ch. 5: Shelter, the Greatest Need - Nuclear War Survival Skills
Whenever practical, expedient shelters should be built so that they can be readily enlarged to make semi-permanent living quarters. After it becomes safe to emerge for limited periods ... earth arching, the earth covering the yielding roof must be at least as deep as half the width of the roof between its supports. Then the resultant earth arch above the roof carries most of the load. (A ...

Arbutus unedo, The Strawberry Tree - Plants For A Future
This is in a context of discussing herbal remedies, and some familiar plants such as elderberry, morning glory, nutmeg, coca, St. John's wort, wintergreen receive the ... org/wiki/Arctostaphylos), a cousin in the same plant family. Another bonus was that monarch butterflies flocked to the flowers in the winter (they over wintered near by), covering the tallest branch tips. My ...

Everest with the excuse of bad weather The authorities affirm that the cancellation of the trip has nothing to do with the unrest in Tibet. The Chinese authorities have cancelled the ... in the weather", he said. Shao noted that all these changes had the objective of keeping the media from having to stay for long periods at Base Camp before the ...

TEACH Geography: How the Lakes Were Formed
This geomorphic age created mountains covering the regions now known as northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, and the Laurentian mountains were formed ... The region went from fire to ice with the arrival of the glaciers, which advanced and retreated several times over the last 5 million years. During the periods of glaciation, giant sheets of ice flowed across the ...

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