cousteau was born

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Cousteau Society - Interim site
Cousteau, through his life and his work, was a major player in the environmental movement. The ocean's call Jacques-Yves Cousteau was born on June 11, 1910 ... the planet, in 1974, Captain Cousteau created The Cousteau Society, a US-based, not-for-profit, membership group. Then, in 1981, Fondation Cousteau (later EQUIPE COUSTEAU) was born in France. From these bases ...

Scuba Diving -
Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who revealed mysteries of the ocean that seemed more fantastic than science fiction and fought to protect the environment, died Wednesday in 1997 at age 87. Cousteau was born June 11, 1910, in Saint-Andre-de-Cubzac, a small town near Bordeaux. His father was a lawyer who traveled constantly. As a result, the boy was often on the move. He was ...

Printed Matter -- Anne Hance -- Page
For instance, today, Jan. 10, is the birthday of astronomer Robert Woodrow Wilson who was born in 1936 in Houston. He shared in the 1978 Nobel Prize in physics for his ... , interesting, frustrating," she said. She was able to collect short essays from Edward Teller, Geerat Vermeij, Richard Walters, Kelly Stewart, Kenneth L. Verosub, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Mont Hubbard, Glenn E. Nedwin, Carol ...

As stated by Jean-Michel Cousteau in an article published in the News-Journal, May 16 1993: ' ... have been either stolen from nature, kicking and screaming, or were born in captivity and have never seen the ocean? There is no ... Speakers on River, Ocean, Coastal & Wetland Protection
Protection Rob Caughlan. When he was President of the Surfrider Foundation, he won a $100 million Clean Water lawsuit against coastal polluters. Friends of the River was born in his living room. ... numerous Trans-Pacific sailboat races. Jean Michel Cousteau describes Roshon's experiences as "something that many can only dream of"… More >> Kate Troll. She was the first person to introduce coastal ...

Green House Network: Speakers Network: Southeast
Acada Press. Melissa Meehan (FL) Melissa Meehan was born in Ohio, but grew up in Connecticut and attended college at Boston University where ... . His international environmental work has him sharing company with such international figures as Jacques Cousteau, Baroness Thatcher of England, and the Minister of Construction in China. Micah Walker Parkin ( ...

Monterey Bay Aquarium: Activity - Discover Diving - Ask Diver Dana
We turned to our expert, retired marine biologist Steve Webster, for help. He said it was very likely a juvenile wolf-eel, a member of the family Anarhichadidae. Many marine animals ... underwater breathing apparatus. In 1943, French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau and engineer Emile Gagnan invented the Aqua-Lung, and SCUBA diving was born. Carrying a supply of compressed air on their backs, divers ...

Special Report: Outward Bound - National Geographic Adventure Magazine
March of the Penguins Photos Amazing Race Travel Secrets Fabien Cousteau's Shark Sub Winter Weekend Trips October Weekend Getaways Fatal ... Woods, a few days after her daughter was found, she was outraged. "They told me my daughter was going to be well supervised . . . and ... three boys, Elisa, who had blond hair and was born with a lazy left eye, was the only daughter and the youngest child. "My ...

Explorer Bradford Washburn - National Geographic Adventure Magazine
Rwanda The Outdoor Bible March of the Penguins Photos Amazing Race Travel Secrets Fabien Cousteau's Shark Sub Winter Weekend Trips October Weekend Getaways Fatal ANWR Grizzly Attacks Catfish ... heart failure. He was 96. Henry Bradford Washburn, Jr., was born on June 7, 1910, in Boston, Massachusetts. His father was dean of the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge. His mother was the first to ... More from this site

Café Ibiza and Jean-Michel Cousteau Join Forces for Spanish Oil Spill Relief - Press Releases
The featured guest for this event will be Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of the legendary Captain Jacques Cousteau, who has been working to raise awareness about the environmental, economic, social ... Herrera. Chef Mansolillo, a South Florida native, has a strong commitment to environmental concerns. "I was born and raised in South Florida, and grew up loving the beauty of our coastal waters ...

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