Results 1 - 10 from 374 for countries representing in 0.391 sec.
Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and
Environment (CSE)
Developed countries like the US, New Zealand and Australia were not in favour of making any distinctions between countries with commitments to reduce ...
ENA FLEG - Forests Forever
November 22nd-25th, bringing together nearly 300 participants from 48 countries representing governments, the private sector, civil society and international organizations including the World Bank. ... expression of commitment by 44 governments from the ENA region and other participating countries to take action to address illegal logging and associated forest crimes. The participating ...
ENB @ Ozone MOP-13 (Colombo, October 2001)
October 2001. The meeting was attended by 325 participants from 108 countries, representing governments, UN agencies, and international and non-governmental organizations. A preparatory segment was ... The Declaration also calls on Parties to consider the unique circumstances of Pacific Island countries when deciding on the 2003-2005 Multilateral Fund replenishment. Parties agreed to reflect ...
OMI's Dr. Green Talks in Berlin
Oceans with 39 member organizations representing 500,000 European citizens and on behalf of 27 conservation and animal welfare organizations in the United States, Canada and other countries (representing over 7.8 million ...
Irish Eco-Schools News
There are now 1,400 schools registered in the programme, representing 35% of all Irish schools. During this last school year 116 schools received the Green ... United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). 400 child delegates and over 250 adult delegates from 59 countries attended the conference. The main aims of the conference were to increase children’s understanding ...
Netherlands' Eco-Schools News
For more information, visit the website The following countries are in the Adiante-route: 29 May - 795km Athens, GREECE 29 May - 720km Skopje, MACEDONIA ... the schoolyard. Afterwards they moved on to tidy up the surrounding neighbourhood, led by aldermen representing the environmental and educational departments of the local council. A strong signal to all who ...
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FAO/AGL - Soil Biodiversity Portal
Parties (COP) to the CBD. More than 45 participants from more than 18 countries, representing a heterogeneous range of scientists and practitioners from each region, joined efforts to review ... report provide a preliminary basis to further stimulate exchange of information and experiences among countries and relevant institutions. This should lead to a coordinated process for the establishment and ...
Alternative Policy Study: Alternative Policy Study: Land and Water Resources in Arab African Countries
The human population of the Arabic speaking countries of Africa has been steadily increasing ... due to lack of data, but it is estimated that approximately 432.5 million hectares - representing about 57 per cent of the total land area of the region and between ...
Science in Society no.27 index
In December 2000, 1453 delegates from 75 countries, representing people's movements and other non-government organization across the globe, came ... and other essential services, and leave poor countries wide open to economic exploitation, especially through transnational corporations - based in rich countries in the North operating in the South ...
Africa Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (AFLEG) Ministerial Planning
Congo, from 18-20 June 2002. The meeting brought together 73 participants from 27 countries, representing governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector. The meeting was co ...
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