Results 1 - 5 from 5 for cost share earmark in 0.186 sec.
Soil & Water Impaired and Impacted Streams Initiative
Impaired and Impacted Stream Initiative cost share earmark and by completing this survey, a district would be eligible to request a portion of this supplemental fund. The cost share earmark allocations will be ... itself or in the watershed. The action plan recommended additional BMPs and estimated the cost and resources needed for installing BMPs. It also identified barriers to implementing the ...
EcoNews, Serving the Vision of a Sustainable Vancouver Island, be sure to 'earmark' it to EcoNews. Apr May June Circulation: 2000 2000 2000 ... being fixated on the narrow, ecocidal goal of share value maximization, at any cost. We can push, and encourage, but if they ... World Wide Whistleblowers: Share Organics Virtual farm Tour: Store Wars ...
Crop as a new cost share practice for the Agriculture Cost Share Program (ACSP). 5. The Commission approved the TRC’s recommendation to add Livestock Feeding Area as a new cost share practice for ACSP. 6 ... . Ms. Combs stated that for the first time in 2004, North Carolina received an EQIP earmark for the conservation of ground and surface water. Approved practices will be those that improve ...
renaissance square
Thursday night. Twenty-six people signed up to share their hopes and concerns for the multi-million dollar proposal. (June ... Transportation Authority's (RGRTA) Central Bus Station. The newest earmark of federal funds for the project came as part ... the transportation agency overseeing it needs to produce better cost estimates. The Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority stressed ...
Friends of the Earth: Offshore wind plans welcomed - but Government renewable strategy needs shake-up
June 2008 The Crown Estate's decision to earmark 11 sites for offshore wind development has been welcomed by ... is unacceptable and Ministers should ensure the UK plays its fair share in meeting the target. Improve support for the UK's ... as a feed-in tariff, would make renewable technologies significantly more cost effective to install. Feed-in tariffs have been especially successful in ...
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