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Water Quality: Nutrients and Pesticides
Thus, local and regional management of fertilizer and pesticide use ... and land-use areas. For example, increases in acetochlor and decreases in alachlor are evident in some streams in the Upper Midwest, where acetochlor partially replaced alachlor for control of weeds in corn and soybeans ...
IISG-Nourishing Healthy Communities
Many fish species found in Lake Michigan and nearby ... in Illinois and Indiana Provide resources and opportunities for the growth of biotechnology and biomedicine Improve the understanding and application of fish consumption advisories by anglers and consumers Funded ...
Leopold Center - Previous Leopold Center Issue Teams and Initiatives
Weather-based emergence indices will be created for the economically important annual weed species affecting corn and soybeans. Researchers will use the large body of emergence data that currently exists and ...
WAC | News : Nimham Mountain Model Forest: The New York Times,
Simple Life: Pigs, Cows And Thou
Indeed, to talk about farmland in Westchester over the past century is to talk about its disappearance in the face of relentless development. And ... 128 farms, with the largest proportion, about half, devoted to the horse business, and nurseries and horticulture as the second most common farm activity, Ms. Miller said. About a dozen ...
OUTGROWING THE EARTH: The Food Security Challenge in an Age of Falling Water Tables and Rising Temperatures Chapter 3 Moving up the Food Chain Efficiently - Oceans and Rangelands
Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Mongolia, and northern and western China. As these populations grew, so did their livestock populations. Environmentally, ... come largely from feeding. Producing the feedstuffs, principally corn and soybeans, will put more pressure on the earth’s land and water resources—pressure that is already unsustainable in some ...
Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble, Chapter8. Restoring the Earth Forest growth lumber harvesting timber erosion soil conservation water table water needs nature fishery decline regenerating fisheries protecting plant
United States, no-till has spread rapidly in the western hemisphere, covering 24 million hectares in 2004 in Brazil, 18 million hectares in Argentina, and 13 million ...
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American Farmland Trust: Agriculture and the Environment - Biofuels
Corn and soybeans are the principal feedstocks of the current generation of biofuels. As demand for these biofuels has grown, corn and soybean ... Prices: As demand grows for corn and soybeans to produce biofuels, consumers of corn products have seen prices rise in response to the scarcity of corn and other grains. In addition, livestock ...
Year 2006 is Breakthrough for Organic No-Till Corn Yield: Tops Standard Organic for First Time at Rodale Institute | Rodale Institute
Asgrow, Pioneer, and DeKalb. He has overseen research in Hawaii, Iowa, Puerto Rico, and Chile, and investigated such diverse crops as soybeans, corn, sorghum, sunflowers, ginger, and ... corn and soybeans in replicated, randomized large plots under organic and conventional farming systems. Over the long haul, among well-managed organic and ...
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education - Highlights - 2004 - Managed Grazing
He divides the forages into grazing paddocks for his cattle. “Some of my ground was rougher and not as productive for cash cropping ... grazing and selling feeder calves than on corn and soybeans.” His hypothesis played out as expected: Meismer increased his stocking density from 32 cow/calf pairs to 37 because he had better pasture, and ...
Kind Planet Family And Society Forum - Ending Hunger
Family And Society Forum - Ending Hunger Ending Hunger A Child Dies Every 2 Seconds Of ... the grain and soybeans eaten by U.S. livestock: 1,300,000,000 Percentage of corn grown in United States eaten by human beings: 20% Percentage of corn grown in ... of U.S. agricultural land used to produce beef: 56% Pounds of grain and soybeans needed to produce 1 pound of feedlot beef: 16 pounds Pounds of protein ...
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