cores and corridors

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Southern Ontario Greenway Strategy
Protects and restores core natural features and functions; Protects water resources; Protects and restores habitat for wildlife and species-at-risk; Connect communities; and, Provides amenities and recreational opportunities for present and future generations. Cores and corridors ...

Community Conservation - Policy Toolkit
Ontario. One of the ways Ontario Nature hopes to build support for the Greenway is by promoting the ‘greening’ of municipal land use policies and practices ... Factsheets Cores and Corridors – The Importance of a Green System in Southern Ontario (PDF 394k) Introducing Old Growth – The Ultimate Forest (PDF 755k) Ten Ways to Save Your Local Woods (and ... More from this site

Livable Cities for the 21st Century: New Urbanism II
Prime agricultural lands, and; Wildlife corridors and migratory routes. We recognize that the population of the United States and other nations is growing and that people ... city cores to other new and existing communities, where there is an adequate carrying capacity. The goals are responsible planning and long-term cultural, economic, and environmental health and ... Pattern Browser
The layout of pathways, streets, and transportation corridors minimizes conflict between walking, biking, and driving, and provides effective and affordable Transit Access to other neighborhoods and ...

Ecotecture | International Ecocity Conference 2000: Richard Register
There are five transit corridors leading to the center. When ... and unload very rapidly. It is very convenient. The whole system runs very quickly and smoothly because of the arterials dedicated to the bus that go down the middle of the cores ... healthy. I suggested (the conference) to Joan and Seriene and they immediately decided they wanted to do it ...

A Celebration for Amtrak
America's city and town cores. With sprawl clogging roads, congestion stalling drivers and bad service alienating ... corridors, all told, says Dukakis. An Iron Interstate. Listen to such celebrants and you feel the train's surge. Rail-bred Boston and car-clogged Massachusetts could use that locomotive energy as sprawl and ...

Conference Explores East
From these cores, we spread out, enlarging the wilderness and developing linkages between wilderness areas so that animals can expand their range and ... are corridors for predation (both by man and animals), they concentrate the search area for predators by fragmenting spaces into islands, they increase instances of nest predation and disturbances, and they ...

Sprawl Guide: Solutions (Increasing Density While Providing Green Space)
Copyright / Author Info Select from the dropdown menu Back to Solutions: Concentrating Growth and Development Increasing Density, While Providing Green Space Increasing Density (or its converse: avoiding ... that "strategies for revitalizing urban cores are increasingly emphasizing the value of natural areas within the city such as waterways, parks, and other green corridors." For other excerpts from ...

RANGE magazine - Features
Columbian condition, absent of roads and towns, dominated in their realm by predators such as grizzly bears and wolves that would be free to roam in wide corridors from the Yukon to the ... people, including whole communities in the West, would have to be relocated to accommodate these corridors and cores. How do you think you could accomplish that? NOSS: The most difficult aspect of the ...

Partnerships signed to deliver more local bus service
RapidRide corridors for bus rapid transit service. The partnerships are ... for the Bellevue-Redmond RapidRide line that will connect the two downtown cores by 2011. Renton: In September, Renton, Kent, and Metro will add mid-day service on Metro’s existing Route ...