continuous ridge and soffit

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Sensible Home Buying in Central Texas
Some examples of other features that will reduce energy use in your new home are: continuous ridge and soffit vents combined with a radiant barrier to cool down the attic; well-installed insulation; high-efficiency heating, cooling and water-heating ...

Sourcebook: Radiant Barrier, Ridge-and-Soffit Venting
Radiant Barrier and Ridge-and-Soffit Venting Contents: CSI NUMBERS DEFINITION CONSIDERATIONS COMMERCIAL STATUS IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES GUIDELINES 1) Radiant Barrier 2) Continuous Ridge-and-Soffit Venting RESOURCES PROFESSIONAL ... should be 99% aluminum and the emissivity value should be 2% to 5%. 2.0 Continuous Ridge-and-Soffit Venting A continuous ridge-and-soffit attic ventilation system ...