Results 1 - 10 from 262 for considerable damage in 0.200 sec.
Inner North West Island and Islets Nature Reserve
A survey in 1987 found the Island to be recovering slowly with original tussac stools having considerable re-growth ...
Helen Clark. This decision has far reaching implications for indigenous forestry throughout New Zealand and considerable damage has been done" said Professor Sands. "Already we have spent $3 million and five years ...
The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Pelagic Sharks
It should be noted that white sharks can take considerable damage from their prey items, and many animals we have seen have deep scarring on the ... its rudders and tail section were badly shot up, the sealion had no major structural damage and was able to recover from his wounds. Van Sommeran/PSRF Photo by PSRF The ...
Windsor Tornado - June 17, 1946
The Detroit News." When the extent of the damage became known, and when it was apparent that the power failure ... breaks down: F0 - light damage - shingles off; 115 km/h F1 - Moderate - outbuildings with serious damage - 180 km/h F2 - Considerable damage - roofs off; 250 km/h F3 ... an F3-F4 tornado, from the images I've seen. The damage path was almost 35 miles long - US and Canada. Eye- ...
They also do considerable damage to wood used as utility poles, fence posts, or similar products. A mature colony of C. formosanus can cause a tremendous amount of damage in a short time. Unprotected homes newly built over strong colonies have been almost destroyed in two years. The damage to wood structures by this termite is significant and can exceed $2 billion annually. Despite ...
Climate-Related Core Issues - Extreme Weather
Still the storm appears to have caused considerable damage, in part perhaps because the local populace has had no previous experience in responding to ...
Briefing - mining impacts and the Metropolitan catchments
Bulli 1980s Cataract Reservoir 230 80 60 No damage. Bulli 1990s Cataract Reservoir 320 110 60 No damage. Metropolitan 2006 Waratah Rivulet 158 Rivulet bed pollution, river dry, ... now being taken up by the other players. Even the lower intensity mining caused considerable damage to water catchments and supply infrastructure, as described in the above table. The Dendrobium ...
The Taita Biodiversity Conservation Project
Once burnt, the forests take many years to recover and by then erosion will have done irreparable damage to the slopes which ...
Chipmunk, Tamias striatus, and least chipmunk damage control and management
Chipmunks themselves serve as prey for several predators. Damage and Damage Identification Throughout their North American range, chipmunks are considered minor agricultural pests. ... in rodent-proof storage containers. In New England, chipmunks and tree squirrels cause considerable damage to maple sugar tubing systems by gnawing the tubes. Legal Status Chipmunks are ...
Raccoon, Procyon lotor, damage control and management information
Damage and Damage Identification Raccoons may cause damage or nuisance problems in a variety ... boxes. Raccoons can cause considerable damage to garden or truck crops, particularly sweet corn. Raccoon damage to sweet corn is characterized ... attic or wall space. Raccoons also can be a considerable nuisance when they roll up freshly laid sod in ...
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