Results 1 - 10 from 709 for consider the impact in 0.456 sec.
About ETE
You will make good decisions when you base them on the best information available and consider the impact they will have on the future. Just as the planet we live on changes, so too the quantity and nature of information ...
Robert Gilman - The Way Of Learning
Finally, we'll consider how such ... , and then people need to be informed (through normal means of communications) of the availability of this alternative. Consider the impact from students of Aikido (a purely defensive martial art) who are learning to ...
Science and the Environment Bulletin: Managing Cumulative Effects in the North
It is also important to consider how the impact of stresses from other human activities would combine with these effects. Cumulative effects assessments are a common requirement for resource planning and management in the North. However, the ...
The Primitivist Critique of Civilization
This, at any rate, is the implication of recent assessments of the ecological ruin left in the ... reason for criticizing civilization has to do with its effects on the environment, the second has to do with its impact on human beings. As civilized people, we are also domesticated. ...
The Regional Impacts of Climate Change
To understand the dynamics of these changes, as well as their interactions and their potential for prediction of occurrence, it is essential that we consider the ...
Consequences (vol. 1, No. 1) - America's Water Supply: Status and Prospects for the Future
Public resistance to the high financial and environmental costs associated with the traditional means of augmenting water supplies has forced suppliers to consider a number of alternative approaches ... the impact of seeding on precipitation remains difficult to measure, winter orographic clouds (formed by encounters with elevated features such as mountain ranges) have been seeded in areas of the ...
Copyright in Works Commissioned by the Crown
Commissioning department taking advice from HMSO. Departments should consider the audience they are aiming to reach. It is conceivable that occasions may arise where information would have less impact ...
The Impact Of Communal Decline Upon The Law
While some citizens consider the ...
The Impact Of Decline Upon Weights And Measures
The Impact Of Decline Upon Weights And Measures The Impact Of Decline Upon Weights And Measures Anonymous (8/12/1996) Our community is discarding the useful weights and measures learnt by centuries of ... consider scrapping British Bank Holidays and replacing them with Euro Holidays? Or introducing a Euro-wide telephone box design, or a single Euro-uniform for postmen, or the abolition of the ...
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Environmental Commissioner of Ontario - Implementing the Environmental Bill of Rights: Notice and Comment
The Environmental Bill of Rights requires the ministries to report back to the public, by posting notice on the Registry, about the impact of the consultation on the ...
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