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The Conservative Branch of the Wilderness Family Tree, Jim DiPeso
Russell Kirk, the great conservative philosopher of the mid-20th century wrote: “Practical conservatism degenerated into mere laudation of private enterprise, economic policy almost wholly surrendered to special interests." Old conservative values ...
Republican Values in Loudoun, David Jenkins
As a lifelong, conservative Republican who values rural America, I take offense at this notion that it is somehow not Republican to favor smart growth. What is conservative about paving over ... , higher taxes and a rapidly disappearing rural lifestyle. Not one of those outcomes fosters conservative values. Ms. Waters and Mr. Clem are true conservatives and thoughtful Republicans. As for Mr. ...
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Costa Rica - Traditions
Ticos as a whole still respect conservative values, but they're starting to adopt several American cultural traits. Even then, Costa ... and the government, but they still retain some traits that are traditional and conservative. Besides traditions that revolve around the family, there are also several significant religious celebrations ...
NW Regional P2 Roundtable - 02/02 - Executive Summary
Environmental protection is consistent with traditional conservative values, if framed with the right language. There is often a disconnect between what ... , solutions must be easy and cost-effective, solutions must be consistent with business values, and businesses must be able to customize them to fit their situations. Businesses ...
Reef Ball Foundation: Getting Grants For Your Project
There are two ways to specify microsilica concrete for permeability requirements: by prescription ... , such as water-to-cementitious ratio are taken from these guidelines and are conservative values. This sample specification is based on the performance method, whereby the compressive strength ...
About the Authors
I am a conservative. But being a conservationist conservative has no relationship to the present perversion of political conservatism - like this particular right wing Christian fundamentalist Republican rhetoric that is presently posing as conservative. Let me enlighten you about my conservative values ...
Friends of Animals | The Low-Down on Californians for Humane Farms | Winter 2007-08
Its website is decorated with an image ...
SRI's Values and Lifestyle Program
Belongers tend to be conservative, conventional, nostalgic, sentimental, puritanical, conforming. The key drive is to fit in - to belong - ... backgrounds. Achievers are psychologically more advanced than Emulators in having a wider spectrum of values, in being more open and trusting, and in clearly having brought their ambitions into ...
Putting the Conserve Back in Conservative!
American values. In those days, conservation was very much a bipartisan concern. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, liberal Democratic Senator Hubert Humphrey joined forces with the conservative Republican ... social change to create a wedge that turned the conservative philosophy on its head: incredibly, conservation was no longer perceived as conservative! The thing to remember, is that people will ...
Preservation Institute: Beyond Progressive and Conservative
Beyond Progressive and Conservative The Preservation Institute Home Page What We Believe Publications Transportation and Development Politics Political Theory: Beyond Progressive and Conservative Preservation Institute Blog If you ... the 1970s, where Ivan Illich argues that it is essential to limit speed. Vernacular Values: This series of articles from CoEvolution Quarterly is the basis of most of ...
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