congo drc

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The Regional Impacts of Climate Change
Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Central African Republic Chad Congo Cote d'Ivoire Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (formerly Zaire) Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Ghana Guinea Guinea ...

Papua New Guinea, and Malaysia. Currently, we are focussed in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Liberia and the Congo Basin (see Projects for more details). We have now published our latest report, Timber ... and forest monitoring, as well as strong management skills. read more > Latest reports from the Congo Brazzaville project Two reports of recent missions are now available to read in French. The ...

The Jane Goodall Institute - Africa Programs
Uganda Congo South Africa Tanzania Democratic Republic of Congo Guinea and Sierra Leone Continuing Projects: Gombe Stream Research Center TACARE Community-Centered Conservation in the DRC JGI ... Republic of Congo Projects: Community-Centered Conservation Program in the Democratic Republic of Congo JGI launched a community-centered conservation program in the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC) in ...

Adventure Expedition: Bonobos - National Geographic Adventure Magazine
Salonga National Park, a mostly unexplored lowland rain forest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). For reasons that were beyond my comprehension at that early stage, we were led by ... of the world's biggest nongovernmental conservation organizations (known as "bingos" in the DRC). Backed by the Congo Basin Forest Partnership, an initiative funded by the United States that has pledged ...

Canadian Embassy in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Congo Welcome to the Canadian Embassy in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This embassy represents Canadian interests in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and in the Republic of Congo (RC). What's new Archives Public Health Agency of Canada Receives a Citation for Excellence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (June ...

Canada in the Democratic Republic of Congo :: Greetings from the Ambassador
Congo! Ambassador Sigrid Anna Johnson Dear visitor, Welcome to the Canadian Embassy in Kinshasa, responsible for Canadian relations with both the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and the Republic of the Congo. If you are a Canadian citizen in the DRC or in the Republic of the Congo, please register with our ... More from this site

WWF - Congo
Congo are in the highlands and mountains of the East African Rift, as well as Lake Tanganyika (which divides 4 countries -- Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Tanzania and Zambia) and Lake Mweru (on the border between Zambia and Democratic Republic of the Congo), which feed the Lualaba River, which then becomes the Congo River ...

OCPE, Democratic Republic of Congo
TCF-funded in 2005 and 2006 First assessment of marine turtle activity on the Atlantic Coast of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Little is known about the marine turtle populations nesting on the coast of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2005 MCS supported Observatoire ...

Congo Basin Region
Congo Basin forest, is becoming seriously endangered as Europe, America and Asia's appetite for tropical wood increases. The Congo Basin Rainforest covers 180 million hectares, spreading across the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), most of Congo-Brazzaville, the southeast ...

Democratic Republic of Congo
Congo Jones Game Photo Gallery Where am I? Home > DR Congo Democratic Republic of Congo Although recent rates of deforestation have been relatively low, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC ... More from this site

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