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What's New - Global Policy Forum
Information Networks) The Status of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan (April 2008) The Sudanese National Congress Party (NCP) fails to implement key aspects of a peace-deal between the North and South of Sudan, according to the UN peacekeeping mission in Sudan (UNMIS). The NCP signed a Comprehensive Peace Agreement with the Sudan ...
The Darfur peace process: Where to now? - Event hosted by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Group, ODI Following the troubled Darfur Peace Agreement in 2006, the UN-African Union envoys to Darfur have been working to reinvigorate the peace process. The challenges facing this process were ... in Abyei and wider fragility in the Three Areas that threaten the sustainability of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between North and South Sudan. There is concern that the current focus on ...
Science and the Environment Bulletin: The Telltale Cloud
Centre in Montréal a key player in the verification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty--a landmark agreement that commits countries around the world to refrain from conducting nuclear ... community. Other Articles In This Issue Science and Habitat Conservation Pumping Soy Quenching the Peace Athabasca Delta The Earth for Storing Energy Bolstering the Banks of the St. Lawrence ...
Bougainville - The long struggle for freedom
However, the provisions of the agreement were never strictly adhered to. Besides, the landowners never had a comprehensive understanding of the absolute destruction, degradation and pollution of ... governments and their armed forces. Militarisation has, therefore, become the biggest threat to democracy, peace, and the development of the indigenous peoples of the Asia-Pacific region. It ...
Peace on Bougainville? (Do or Die)
Bougainvillians initiated a peace process. On 30 April 1998, a cease-fire agreement was signed. It was agreed that an unarmed UN Peace Monitoring Group would participate that ... communities all around the globe fighting the mining giant RTZ. It's the most comprehensive account of one corporations destruction and oppression. Get on the Australian Bougainville Freedom Movements ...
More from this site
They also have a comprehensive catalog of home schooling books. GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING, 2269 Massachusetts Avenue, ... and give it at another place where they could find agreement. In this way decisions would be based, not on profit ... There is more profit to have sickness than health, war than peace, auto accidents than no accidents, obsolescence than classic. I ...
IISD Linkages - Your Meeting Bulletin Archives
Your Meeting Bulletin ... November 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia Scoping for a Future Agreement on Forests 16-18 November 2005, Berlin, Germany ... May 2005, Vienna, Austria Tehran International Conference on Environment, Peace and the Dialogue among Civilizations and Cultures 9-10 ...
EcoPeace / Regional Data
Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip Israel - Jordan Peace Treaty Basic Treaty Text Israel - Jordan Peace Treaty ANNEX II - Water ANNEX IV - Environment TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN ... and comprehensive peace in the Middle East based and Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 in all their aspects; Bearing in mind the importance of maintaining and strengthening peace based on ...
Palestine News Updates
Egypt-brokered ceasefire agreement -- to allow desperately-needed humanitarian supplies into the outdoor prison that is the Gaza ... 2008 The New York Times Israel Holds Peace Talks With Syria -- Israel and Syria announced on Wednesday that they were engaged in negotiations for a comprehensive peace treaty through Turkish mediators, a sign ...
Mine clearance services, security and UXO detection and clearance - MineTech International - News
Global Risk Strategies in delivering a comprehensive security ... Clean up in Kuwait - an unusual demining project Searing temperatures were the ... ... Peace in the Pipeline Chances and challenges for oil exploration in Sudan Download a pdf version of the full Exploration Logistics Group news article. The signing of the peace agreement ...
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