compost bin

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Results 1 - 10 from 137 for compost bin in 0.322 sec.

Alex, our site's mascot, dutifully working the compost bin.
"ALEX" Alexander the Great Dog Alias: The Canine Composter As mascot of the™ web site, Alex is working hard to maintain his home compost pile. (It's not a real web site if you don't include a picture of your dog.) Also visit Alex away from work Visit the Compost Message Board for Answers to your Compost Questions! Our Home Page ...

Recycle now - Schools take up free compost bin offer
Search RecycleNow Search term Home What can I do today? Why recycling matters News Fun Stuff Home composting Schools take up free compost bin offer 25 July 2008 Schools in Basildon are being offered free compost bins under a ... up the offer and are using the bins to create compost to grow vegetables in the garden for their gardening club ...

Try This At Home: Backyard Compost
Materials Needed Shovel or pitchfork Compost bin construction materials (refer to step 2) Biodegradable materials (refer to step 5 and 6) Water Procedure Choose a location for your compost pile. The location should ... hay, wooden pallets and lumber. In addition, compost bins can be purchased from your local garden or hardware store. Build or purchase your compost bin as large or as small as you wish ...

Recycle now - The Look of Compost
Too Green! [Close image] Show large version This is a classic mistake made by many first time composters. They get their brand new compost bin and just use it to get rid of their grass cuttings, fruit and vegetable peelings. [Close image] Show large version These are great things to put in a bin ... a great activator for a dry compost bin. Just Right...... [Close image] Show large ...

Backyard Compost Education Program
Compost Education Program Site Navigation Backyard Compost Education Program Residents of Bethlehem receive backyard compost bins. Backyard Compost Seminars Penn State Cooperative Extension Penn State's Backyard Composting Page The Earth Machine compost bin ...

Welcome to the Compost Corner
To solve our dilemma we now want to supplement our worm bin with a traditional outdoor compost bin. Our goal is to compost 100% of our compostable waste. My son would be so thrilled to win one of your special compost ... More from this site

Set-up Compost Pile
Compost Pile Setting Up a Compost Pile. Your school can set up a compost pile. Here is what you will need. Compost Bin - Mansfield Middle School has a seven-compartment bin ... the compost pile, dump it into the compost bin and bury it under a leaf/wood chip mixture. When the bin is ... , a wheelbarrow, a bucket, and a screen (to sift finished compost from wood chips that haven't decomposed and plastic ...

Activities and Games
Yes! Hair can be composted! The decomposers in a compost bin breathe oxygen. Test Your Compost Knowledge. Are these statements true or false? Keep ... FALSE 13. The center of a working compost pile is very cool. TRUE or FALSE 14. Compost piles are always very smelly. TRUE ... done in a specially designed compost bin. TRUE or FALSE 21. Animals are less attracted to a compost bin if meat and bones are not ... More from this site

ManyTracks Homestead - Compost Pile
The new compost bin uses the same simple pallet fronts. The ... a new "current" pile started. A second bin is last year's pile, just sitting there continuing to compost. Bin 3 is from the year previous ... But then I wouldn’t have any compost for potting soil [see Potting Soil article]. So the compost bin stays a part of my garden and ...

Compost making
For smaller gardens, a wooden composting bin, or a roll of wire mesh, make good composting devices. Fresh material is pitched into the top, while finished compost ...

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