Results 1 - 10 from 111 for companies like shell in 0.386 sec.
Friends of the Earth: Campaigners
Shell's non-compliance with the OECD Guidelines harms people and the environment, and why voluntary self regulation is not enough to protect them from the activities of companies like Shell. Palm oil, the survival or the orang-utan and UK company law reform (PDF† 56K) May 2006 This briefing explains why the failure of hundreds of UK companies ...
Robert Gilman - Attuning to the Future
In this article I would like to share the essence of this process, ... and elicit your feedback (more on how to do this later). THE PROCESS The basic approach is like the scenario-based management training approach used by companies like Shell Oil. In this approach, you, as a participant, are given a ...
Boycott Shell/Free Nigeria: The main issues
Shell includes companies like Shell Petroleum of the USA (which wholly owns Shell Oil of the USA and many subsidiaries), Shell Nigeria, Shell Argentina, Shell South Africa, etc. Shell ...
Plan B
Department for International Development (DFID) provides both financial and political support for oil companies in developing countries through multilateral organisations; further notes that this support is inconsistent with ... peer into the bottom of the barrel. The films explore the depths to which companies like Shell, Esso and BP go for our oil. From Cuba to Venezuela, Nigeria to Ireland, ...
Educational Supplement
They have to clear rainforest land to grow food for their families. Governments and companies have forced them into this situation. Development - If one had to choose which was the ... the products grown on cleared rainforest land are: beef, coffee, palm oil, and soybeans. Oil companies like Shell, Mobil and Exxon also damage or destroy rainforest in order to supply oil to rich ...
Friends of the Earth: Government must introduce a windfall tax on Shell profits
Skip navigation and title Home > Press releases > Government must introduce a windfall tax on Shell profits Search | Sitemap | Contact Home ---------- Join ---------- Campaigns Press for change Press Releases Resources ---------- ... oil prices. The price of crude oil encourages investors in petroleum companies to put pressure on companies like Shell to invest even more of its assets in oil, as the ...
Junk e-mail and spam - discussion
This is EXACTLY how the telemarketers and junk-fax companies have continued to operate. Companies like Cyberpromo don ... existing legislation - they'd have to go into hiding and spread the money around (in shell companies) to continue faxing & telemarketing. They don't do that anymore because they can have ...
SBN Feature Article: September 1998
Japanese: Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Itochu, Sumitomo Corp., and Marubeni Corp. They are bigger than the largest petroleum companies like (Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon); even a second-tier Japanese trading company like Nichimen has a larger revenue stream than ...
Divest NOW!
Shell's atrocities! The Royal Dutch/Shell Group of companies is headed by two companies, which are traded separately on stock markets like the New York ... Shell products! Convincing your university and/or city to boycott Shell products makes an impact on businesses, like Shell, which disregard the importance of human rights and the environment. "Selective Purchasing" policies like ...
energy efficient home articles :"How to make major oil companies reduce their global warming impact"
By: N. Brown Do you want to find a way to make oil companies do something about their global warming impact? Would you like ... Shell were among the defendants. **Purchase your gas from Citgo, BP, and smaller companies to lend your finanical support to the oil companies ...
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