commonly seen

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Restoration Round-up (Do or Die)
The area will still support economic uses - 'rewetting' is seen as a cost-effective form of flood management, 'biomass crops ... decline... such as skylarks, lapwings and grey partridge have been commonly seen, and at least two of these species have bred successfully, ... Centre via CCTV. The birds must perform and not disappoint - 'seen and not bird'.(74) Commenting on this 'disneyfication' of the ...

News from the Falklands June 1999
Moody Brook. These are fairly easily identified by their pinkish underparts and are the most commonly seen member of the pigeon family in the Falklands. A more unusual sighting was that of ... long legs and an upright stance, with black crown and black and white underparts. Usually seen in groups in shallow waters and marshes, their distribution is from the Canadian border south ...

Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui, Hawaii
(Khan & Vohra 1993). Two additional associations commonly seen among chital are all-male herds and nursery herds, the later consisting of only ... m or more, especially frequenting kiawe/lantana habitats as well as cattle pasturelands. Less commonly, deer were found utilizing pasturelands where eucalyptus groves, conifers, or other trees were their ...

Fauna of Daintree Rainforest - Australia - Animals & animal species: Crocodile, Cassowary, Green Tree Frog
Azure Kingfisher The Azure Kingfisher is one of eleven kingfishers in Australia, and is commonly seen in the Daintree Rainforest. Frequent contact with humans means the birds will come within ... Tropical Northern Australia. It has spectacular large iridescent metallic-blue wings that can be seen from a great distance. Witchetty Grub Not a particularly beautiful animal, the Witchetty Grub ...

Delaware's Pollution Control Strategy --- Delaware Department of Water Resources
(GIS): Computer programs that link features commonly seen on maps (such as roads, town boundaries, water bodies) with related information not usually presented ...

Sable Island Birds Nesting I
The Herring gull, with a wingspan of 147 cm, is the most commonly seen gull in most coastal areas of Atlantic Canada. Some overwinter on ... pairs take up residence on the island. Black-legged Kittiwakes are seen in all months at Sable Island, standing on the beach or ... . On several occasions, usually in winter and spring, 1000s have been seen during one day, flying and feeding along the north side of ...

Sable Island Bird List
May, and in autumn they are commonly seen as late as the last week of September, with occasional sightings in October. During spring ... with the offshore energy industry near the island. More from this site

New Mexico. This color pocket guide displays full page images and descriptions of large birds commonly seen in New Mexico. In addition the guide provides information on current legislation regarding these birds ...

red-tailed hawk
Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) The red-tailed hawk is a common hawk often seen along roadways in Illinois. In flight, it often soars with few wing flaps. Large birds ... about Red-tailed hawks Diet: includes mice, rabbits, other small mammals, reptiles and birds. Status: Commonly seen in Illinois. Wingspan: 3-4 feet Number of young: Lays 1-5 eggs in a ...

The Consumer Recycling Guide: Commonly Recycled Materials
These markers do not mean the plastic ... the American Refrigeration Institute Rechargeable Batteries (other than car batteries) Rechargable batteries are commonly used in portable telephones, computers, power tools, shavers, electric toothbrushes, radios, video tape ...

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