Results 1 - 10 from 318 for committee shall in 0.229 sec.
Meetings | NEJAC | Environmental Justice | Compliance and Enforcement | U.S. EPA
NEJAC Meetings NEJAC Meetings The Charter of the NEJAC states that the advisory committee shall provide independent advice to the Administrator on areas that may include, among other ... National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, an independent council created under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, to provide independent advice and recommendations on the subject of environmental justice ...
Winter Term
October 28, 2005. Applications for internships other than those established by the Curriculum Committee shall contain a clear and well-supported statement describing how the internship relates to ... shall determine credit. These courses are graded credit/no credit. Student-led courses are subject to the following restrictions: a.The proposal shall be submitted to the Curriculum Committee ...
The Committee will function solely as an advisory body, and will comply fully with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. MEMBERS AND CHAIRPERSON 1. The Committee shall consist of at least 15 ... Committee are not compensated for their services, but will upon request be allowed travel and per diem expenses as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 5701 et. seq. DURATION This Charter shall ...
The head of each agency which has an advisory committee shall designate an Advisory Committee Management Officer who shall-- (1) ... committee or the agency to which the advisory committee reports until the advisory committee ceases to exist. (c) Detailed minutes of each meeting of each advisory committee shall be kept and shall ...
RI Committee Page: 5 Year Planning
Permanent members of this committee shall be the Public Relations Liaisons, Membership Development and Retention chairperson and Publications Review Committee chairperson. Committee membership other than permanent members shall ...
The National Rural Development Coordinating Committee
RURAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE. ''(1) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall establish a National Rural Development Coordinating Committee within the Department of Agriculture. ''(2) COMPOSITION.—The Coordinating Committee shall be composed ... in the activities of the Coordinating Committee; and ''(iv) the private sector. ''(3) DUTIES.—The Coordinating Committee shall— ''(A) support the work of ...
Society for Conservation Biology (SCB)
Affairs committee. Communications (Chair Amber Himes) This Committee shall develop printed and electronic materials describing and promoting the Section, such as newsletters and web sites. This committee shall also work with other committees of both the Section and SCB to achieve the outreach and marketing goals. Conference (Chair Anne Solomon) This Committee shall organize ...
Government Response to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee Report - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Environmental Policy - Access to Files - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Affairs shall refer the proposal to the parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (JSCFADT). The Joint Committee shall undertake broad public consultations regarding the proposed content of the White Paper, and shall report its findings to the parliament. The report shall ...
Awards Board Nominations and Appointments Committee
Committee Mission Statement The AB N&A Committee shall be responsible to seek out and recommend to the AB candidates for AB positions, chairs of the AB Councils and Standing Committees. This committee shall ...
Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council Committees, Committee Chairpersons and Duties
Email the committee chairperson of your choice. For further details of the activities of each committee see FLEPPC Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Committees Bylaws The Bylaws Committee proposes ... about the biology, distribution and control of the involved species. Each Task Force shall develop a statewide management plan, generate fact sheets, brochures, etc., and maintain a ...
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