commercial and recreational

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Results 1 - 10 from 447 for commercial and recreational in 0.268 sec.

Commercial and Recreational Fisheries Publications
Commercial and Recreational Fisheries Publications COMMERCIAL AND RECREATIONAL FISHERIES PUBLICATIONS Publications 2008 Gulf Coast Fisherman, Monthly issues. Mississippi Tide Tables. Posadas, Benedict C., Ruth A. Posadas, and William S. Perret. 2008. Estimating Economic Damages to Mississippi Commercial and Recreational ...

Marine and Cultural Resources
Protecting such resources is an essential component of coastal and offshore projects. Submerged Cultural Resources Submerged historic and cultural resources exist throughout continental shelf waters. These consist mainly of shipwrecks and ...

Invasive Species | Oceans, Coasts and Estuaries | US EPA
Effects on aquatic ecosystems result in decreased native populations, modified water tables, changes in run-off dynamics and fire frequency, among other alterations. These ecological changes in turn impact many recreational and commercial ...

Coastal and Offshore Aquaculture Research Projects
Offshore Aquaculture Research Projects COASTAL AND OFFSHORE AQUACULTURE RESEARCH Research Project Period Species Risks and Uncertainties Associated with Offshore Aquaculture 2007-present Commercialization of Bait Shrimp Culture 2005-present Alternative Baits for Commercial and Recreational ...

Welcome to Forest and Bird
Set nets, used in both commercial and recreational set net fishing, are the single most significant human threat to the survival of Hector ... database (Jan 2000-April 2007) show that the recreational fishing sector is responsible for most South Island Hector’s dolphin deaths. However, the commercial sector is also responsible for dolphin deaths. ...

Welcome to Forest and Bird
Point. This ban was appealed through the courts by commercial fishers, and the ban and trawling controls were lifted (a ban remained on recreational set netting). The ban was appealed, during which ... stakeholders the Minister decided in favour of the ban on commercial set netting in January 2003. The ban prohibits the use of commercial and recreational set nets within four nautical miles of the ... More from this site

Heritage Council Calls for Greater Protection and Recognition for Ireland’s Coastal Areas
Conservation of traditional boats for commercial and recreational ...

NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Coasts
Great Lakes - and the number will continue to grow according to ... and transportation networks. Maritime commerce along and through our coastal ports of entry annually moves more than two billion tons of domestic and international freight. The fishing industry's 110,000 commercial and recreational ...

Harmful Algal Blooms (HABS): NOAA Watch: NOAA's All-Hazard Monitor: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: U.S. Department of Commerce
While both types have harmful ... mammals and seabirds, and alteration of marine habitats. As a consequence, HAB events adversely affect commercial and recreational fishing, tourism, and valued habitats, creating a significant impact on local economies and the ...

A personal invitation from Jean-Michel Cousteau: Join me on a cruise to South America, save 50% and help support Ocean Futures Society!
America’s newest National Monument. The 140,000 square mile site will be off-limits to commercial and recreational fishing. Why should we care about protecting a long chain of islands and ... environment, teaming with indigenous and endangered species and extraordinary habitats, is under siege from marine debris, ravenous commercial fishing interests and the effects of human irresponsibility. ...

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