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News from the Falklands June 1997
Off another part of the West Falkland coast ... fishing vessels to ensure that they maintain the three mile inshore limit and do not come closer where they would pose a threat to the environment and risk birds such as ...
ASM | Mammals of Oregon
Harbor Seal Phoca vitulina uncommon beaches and estuaries 135, 594, 1131, 1304, 1305 commonly come ashore Procyonidae Ringtail Bassariscus astutus common SW Oregon 858 327 strongly nocturnal Common Raccoon Procyon lotor ...
SCS: New Zealand Sea Lion (Phocarctos hookeri)
The bulls who establish territory, the "beach masters", eventually have about ... for at least 8 months, sometimes for a year or more. The adult males remain ashore and do not normally feed during the entire breeding season. Moulting occurs in late February ...
SCS: South African / Australian Fur Seal (Arctocephalus pusillus)
October to early November and fight for territory before the females come ashore. The territories of the successful males eventually contain an average of 7-30 females and ... arrive at the breeding sites in late October and fight for territory before the females come ashore, the territories of the successful males eventually containing about 9 females. Most females arrive in ...
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Sable Island
Harp and Hooded Seals, and one or two Ringed Seals, come ashore for a few hours or days. Possibly the most famous of the Sable Island wildlife ...
Sable Island Marine Mammals
Although all their food can be found in the ocean, pinnipeds must come ashore for certain activities: pupping, nursing, mating (in some species), resting, moulting and avoiding predators. ... ocean. Live cetaceans only come ashore when they are in trouble, and beaching is most often fatal. Many of those found on Sable are individuals which were cast ashore after dying at sea ...
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SCS: Rescue and Rehabilitation
SA: Marine Rescue Unit (MRU), Lonsdale RSPCA Animal Shelter, 25 Meyers Road, Lonsdale, South ... Officer, E-mail: Based in Los Angeles County, treats distressed pinnipeds that come ashore on beaches from Ventura to Long Beach. Takes in an average of 200 California ...
CRESLI hooded seal page
Several bluebacks come ashore on Long Island every year, often exhausted, and sick. They are rehabilitated and released back ...
CRESLI Kemp's ridley sea turtle page
Long Island's waters each summer. Unlike other sea turtles, female Kemp's ridley turtles come ashore to lay their eggs in the daylight hours. Also unique to their behavior, all females ... 2 - 3 feet in length and up to 100 pounds as adults. As only juveniles come into our waters, they are often referred to as "dinner plate size," measuring about one ...
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