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2005 update re Las Gaviotas by Gunter Pauli
Colombian Orinoco, each zone adapting to the unique characteristics that the tropics bring to the world. The ... , he has taken the responsibility to finance the "Renaissance of the Tropical Rainforest in the Colombian Orinoco" through a fund managed by the United Nations Development Programme. The Fund was launched in ...
Neotropical Grasslands: Habitat, Plants and Animals
Llanos de Moxos, the Araguaia Pantanal in southwest Amazonia, the Colombian-Venezuelan Llanos de Casanare and Apure, and a large part ... in the Colombian Llanos mainly south of the Meta river. They are also found in the Venezuelan Llanos north of the Orinoco river, ... the Brazilian cerrados, the Venezuelan, and to a lesser extent Colombian, llanos and the Bolivian pampas. In contrast, another 800,000 ...
Rainforest Biogeography
Rainforests of the Amazon and Orinoco. Within the linked catchment zones of the great Amazon and Orinoco rivers lies the world's largest contiguous area of equatorial ... 's economy. On the western side of the Andes, the exceptionally species-rich Peruvian and Colombian forests are now being cleared rapidly, with coca (cocaine) and opium poppy cultivation being one ...
Amazon Genocide
Just two years ago, Brazilian wildcat miners, searching for gold in the Upper Orinoco jungle, slaughtered 20 Yanomami Indians and provoked an international outcry, which lost focus as ... had their land stolen by farmers and ranchers who've invaded Venezuela from across the Colombian border." Development schemes have also brought death, displacement and disease to native Indians in ...
Turtle, Tuatara, Crocodile Checklist--Index
Cocodrilo de Cuba Cocodrilo de Morelet Cocodrilo del Orinoco Cocodrilo legitimo Cocodrilo perla Cocodrilos Coffre Colombian toad-headed turtle Colombian wood turtle Common batagur Common box ... Olive ridley Orange-headed temple terrapin orbicularis, Emys orbicularis, Testudo orbiculata, Cyclemys Orinoco crocodile Orlitia Orlitia borneensis ornata ornata, Cistudo ornata group, Terrapene ornata, T. ...
GAIA Case Study: Venezuela Deforestation and the politics of land ownership
Education Biological Diversity. Indicators Summary: Most of the population of Venezuela lives north of the Orinoco river, and as a consequence most of the past deforestation occurred in this area. Nevertheless ... typical Venezuelan forestry reserve located in the western Llanos (plain) of Venezuela close to the Colombian border. The Caparo reserve was established in 1961 and has an extend of 1.743 ...
El Dorado, City of Gold, Ancient Mysteries, Photos, Information -- National Geographic
Enlarge Gold Muisca artwork in Colombian museum Photograph by Mauricio Duenas/AFP/Getty Images Through the centuries, this passion gave rise ... second trip in 1617, he sent his son, Watt Raleigh, with an expedition up the Orinoco River. But Walter Raleigh, then an old man, stayed behind at a base camp on ...