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The E. F. Schumacher Society • Newsletters
As a response to this question, in 1967 Robert Swann and colleagues formed the first community land trust in Albany, Georgia, as a way to secure land for ...
Identity and Society
Less than a week after the attacks, Khan and several friends and colleagues formed the group Muslims Against Terrorism with the hope that education can help to prevent future ... Muslims, we were doubly grieving," she says. The Sunday after the tragedy, she and 10 colleagues formed a Web site and synchronized their mission: education. They developed a curriculum, sent speakers to ...
What is Acid Rain and What Causes It?
SO2. In contrast, NOx is formed when any fossil fuel is burned. There are several options for reducing SO2 emissions, including ... known sources of acid deposition - power plants and automobiles-are reduced, EPA scientists and their colleagues must assess the reductions to make sure they are achieving the results Congress anticipated. If ...
ECO-PROS Human Impact on Oceans
Dr. Jason Hall-Spencer, and his colleagues videotaped trawled reefs which were left looking like clear-cut forests. The investigative team ... greed than they do the global environment or species survival. HIGH SEAS TASK FORCE FORMED "PIRATE TRAWLERS FACE CRACKDOWN ON OVERFISHING" World Conservation Union reports "Illegal, unreported and ...
John and Nancy Jack Todd - The Restoration Of Waters
Professor of Biology at San Diego State, and he and his colleagues had begun to accumulate an enormous amount of information on what was the matter with ... -designed, reliable, wind-powered vessel that would take these technologies into the developing world. We formed a new organization called Ocean Arks International. John: The Ocean Ark was to be a ...
Delaware's Pollution Control Strategy --- Delaware Department of Water Resources
Action Team Program, seconds the notion. Thats one of the messages she and her colleagues frequently repeat to the states 100 or so Tributary Action Team members --- citizens, farmers ... new members. As TMDLs are established in other waterways, new Tributary Action Teams will be formed. Anyone interested in participating or learning more about protecting watersheds can contact Katherine Bunting- ...
EcoIQ Magazine Spring 2002 Features
He also formed environmental task forces, set goals ("zero waste, zero emissions"), and launched a series of ... the leading proponent of the changed system, W. Edwards Deming, and his colleagues, such as J Deming, and his colleagues, such as Joseph Juran and Kaoru Ishikawa, became the champions of quality ...
Deep-sea disposal of fossil-fuel CO2
As water molecules combined with CO2 molecules, gas hydrate formed and accumulated at the bottom of the beaker. The expanding volume of hydrate plus ... carried easily away by the currents. "Nothing like this was predicted," Brewer emphasized. Brewer and colleagues will conduct subsequent experiments this summer to test new hypotheses generated from previous results. ...
NEHA JEH Position on Global Climate Change
Aerosols formed from sulfur compounds, along with greenhouse gases, have been projected to combine with the ...
UW-ESS Faculty Directory
Death Valley, California. Eliza Nemser is continuing our ... karst in the Dinaride orogenic wedge. In earlier research projects, several graduate students and UW colleagues and I investigated how diverse rock units and terranes in the northwest Cordillera were ...
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