Results 1 - 10 from 71 for coho and steelhead in 0.381 sec.
Gold Seal - Wild Salmon Education - Salmon Enhancement Projects
"It works great", says school hatchery teacher Jim Wisnea. "The new habitat is filled with young coho and steelhead and it provides a wonderful opportunity for the kids to see their behaviour and growth." Both channels are filled by spring water. Foy ... Pattern Browser
The Hawkshaw's method allows them to catch fewer fish, release any by-catch like coho and steelhead without injury, and ... Pattern Browser
The method allows them to catch fewer fish, release any by-catch like coho and steelhead without injury, and earn three times the going rate for the fish they land because of their focus on quality, not volume. It's through the kind of ingenuity and care ...
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Dean has elsewhere defended, and which MRC is using extensively–is known to cause disorientation in juvenile salmon. The steelhead is also in trouble on MRC lands, and is a candidate for ... both Coho and steelhead. It took a lawsuit — and two brave young fishermen, who went up and found and photographed the fish in Elk Creek — for the truth to be revealed. The California Department of Fish and ...
Salmon Note, by Greg Zuckert
RRRAUL is concerned with is the destruction of Coho and Steelhead Salmon habitat, which is one of the most profound effects that unchecked logging can have, and which goes to the heart of ... necessary to the salmon's survival. The nests become effectively covered with "fines" and the exchange of oxygen and waste cannot occur -- the newborn salmon essentially suffocate. RRRAUL Home | Search RRRAUL | ...
Recent News of RRRAUL -- July 15, 1998
Coho and Steelhead spawning stream). R.R.R.A.U.L. attended three hearings at the Sonoma County Board of Zoning Adjustments, and ... press release announcing the discovery of a 27", gravid steelhead salmon (and many fingerlings) in Hulbert Creek -- a tributary ... oaks. RRRAULians have produced and are disseminating a second video (and photographs) documenting local forest and stream conditions. Plans ...
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We see punk kids with pink hairdos, tattoos and chains riding alongside grandparents, business people and women in fancy dresses and high heels. Bicycles rule and the city is closing off entire main ... . Returns of sockeye salmon were particularly low in 2007 and so far Chinook returns in 2008 have been very low. Coho and steelhead continue to struggle, particularly along the south coast of ...
Ecology of Lakes and Ponds for Anglers
Coho, Chinook), and Steelhead Rainbow trout. Unfortunately, due to international shipping, heavy industry, and the creation of the St. Lawrence Seaway, the ecosystem has also suffered from both pollution and ...
Steelhead rescue
The Salmon River Enhancement Society and DFO will be netting and transporting adult steelhead that have spawned and are unable to return to the Fraser. This Steelhead Recovery and Rescue Program ... coho, cutthroat and rainbow returns this fall and winter should be improved, adding to the Salmon River's existing position as the most productive river in the Lower Mainland for coho and ...
Huron Pines > Ocqueoc River: And the Effort to Keep it One of Northern Michigan's True Gems
He has ... in the late 90s, we would catch a lot of small steelhead. But there’s not as many trout in the summer,” ... really enjoyed the project. It’s something they will hold onto and remember. And that can only be good for the river.” Jensen ...
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