Results 1 - 10 from 386 for coal technologies in 0.185 sec.
Energy Technologies
Technologies This is a brief description of studies that exemplify the methods and approaches that have ... Technology Research and Development for Developing Countries Environmental Assessments of Clean Coal Technologies Environmental Assessments of Advanced Coal-Use Technologies Ecological Hazards of H-Coal Liquefaction Environmental Assessments of Nuclear Power Generation Biomass Energy Crop ...
Coal Energy
Power plants use "scrubbers" to clean sulfur from the smoke before it leaves their smokestacks. In addition, industry and government have cooperated to develop "clean coal technologies" that either remove sulfur and nitrogen oxides from coal, or convert coal to a gas or liquid fuel. The scrubbers ...
IEA Clean Coal Centre
The Centre promotes a wider understanding of the key issues concerning coal, with special emphasis on clean coal technologies and security of ... Coal Centre's Coal Abstracts, both include worldwide coal coverage, the majority of coal coverage coming from the Clean Coal Centre. While ETDE's database covers all energy subject areas, the Clean Coal Centre offers concise coal ...
DOE - Fossil Energy: Key Publications on Clean Coal Technology Topics
Software Systems in Clean Coal Demonstration Projects -- December 2001 This report describes computer software systems used to optimize coal utilization technologies. Strategic Planning Clean Coal ...
Australian Coal Association - Supporters - Ollie's Island Australia - Exploring chains of sustainable production and consumption
Australia's black coal. A major objective of the ACA is to promote and facilitate the uptake of clean coal technologies in Australia. The ACA provides the Secretariat for the COAL21 initiative (, which is a partnership of the coal and electricity industries, ...
Mountaintop removal coal -- Ohio Citizen Action
NEW YORK, NY -- "Coal is embracing a new, green image. With a proposal of new clean coal technologies, carbon emitted by coal-burning power plants may one day be captured and stored underground. But for many living with the environmental consequences of coal extraction and processing, clean coal ...
low carbon technologies :: our projects : origination : low carbon technologies :: ClimateCare
ClimateCare home about us climate change for business our projects principles world map portfolios low carbon technologies case stories standards funding ... Renewable bio-energy can be used to displace traditional fossil fuels such as coal, oil or liquid petroleum gas (LPG). Fossil fuels contribute to climate change because ...
Coal | Clean Energy | US EPA
Coal Coal Electricty Generation Technologies Natural Gas Coal Oil Nuclear Energy Municipal Solid Waste Hydroelectricity Non-Hydroelectric Renewable Energy Electricity from Coal Coal is ... technologies. The purpose of the following section is to give consumers a better idea of the specific air, water, solid waste, and radioactive releases associated with coal-fired generation. Air Emissions When coal ...
Dirty Coal vs. Clean Energy
Dirty Coal vs. Clean Energy Learn more | Press contacts | About NRDC Why choose 19th century pollution DIRTY COAL fuels global warming, blackens our skies, endangers our health and scars the land. when we have 21st century solutions?
Electricity Generating Technologies
Sometimes nuclear or solar energy creates the steam to drive the turbine. Other technologies - such as solar photovoltaics or fuel cells - rely upon chemical reactions to generate electricity. For specifics, select any of these technologies: Biomass Coal Geothermal Hydro ...
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