clearcutting plan

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Save The Redwoods/Boycott The Gap: This Fish Does Not Exist!
(Timber Harvest Plan 1-98-019 MEN). And yet another L-P clearcutting plan has been approved in the adjacent watershed, Greenwood Creek (Timber Harvest Plan 1-97-352 MEN). Impacts from this plan can already ...

Save The Redwoods/Boycott The Gap: Forestry Issues
G-P sale. The "Sustained Yield" Plan rules were written by timber industry lawyers. They allow a ... pertain to L-P's "Sustained Yield" Plan (SYP) and to a recent Timber Harvest Plan in Greenwood Creek watershed (THP 1-97-352 ... to questions other aspects of the remaining clearcutting plan. Neither this THP nor L-P's overall management plan, the SYP, has been approved as ... More from this site

John Muir Project - Bush's Forest Fire Plan Does Little to Stop Blazes
This scientific plan also found that "logging and clearcutting can cause rapid regeneration of shrubs and trees that can create highly ... far too little forest canopy cover to support these imperiled species. Finally, the Bush Strategic Plan encourages commercial thinning of mature trees deep in the national forests ostensibly to protect ...

Clearcutting threatening wilderness forests north from Paanajarvi National Park
VANISHING OLD-GROWTH FORESTS IN FINLAND AND RUSSIA: Paanajärvi Clearcutting threatens wilderness on the northern side of the Paanajärvi National Park The old-growth forests ... red line shows the road currently under construction. The yellow line describes the long term plan to connect forest roads in northwestern side of the National Park. Map and image ...

Protect Our Woods: USFS releases FEIS for Hoosier National Forest 2006 Proposed Land Management Plan
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for Hoosier National Forest 2006 Proposed Land Management Plan The announcement of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Hoosier National Forest Proposed Land Management Plan was published in the Federal Register on March 24th, 2006. This proposal, among other things, would allow a return to clearcutting on the Hoosier National ...

NRDC: Nature's Voice - It's Back: The Plan to Mine Montana's Wilderness
Bush Administration Targets Alaskan Rainforest California Rejects Superhighway in State Park It's Back: The Plan to Mine Montana's Wilderness Yellowstone: No Safe Haven for Buffalo Global Hotspot . . . Guilt- ... aren't safe in a federally protected wilderness area, then where are they safe?" Rampant clearcutting and development have slowly but steadily driven the Cabinet Mountain grizzly bears out of ...

Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble, Chapter 8: Raising Land Productivity--Restoring the Earth world population global economy bubble economy sustainable yield sustainable development carbon dioxide climate change global a
RESTORING THE EARTH Chapter 8. Raising Land Productivity Lester R. Brown, Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble (W.W. Norton & Co ... to wind-generated electricity. Protecting the earth's remaining vegetation also warrants a ban on clearcutting forests in favor of selective cutting, simply because with each clearcut, the land typically suffers ...

Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble, Chapter8. Restoring the Earth Forest growth lumber harvesting timber erosion soil conservation water table water needs nature fishery decline regenerating fisheries protecting plant
Although nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have worked for years to protect forests from clearcutting, the World Bank has only recently begun to systematically consider sustainable forestry. In 1998, ... succeed unless it is accompanied by the stabilization of population. With such an integrated plan, coordinated country by country, the earth’s forests can be restored. Next Previous Back ... More from this site

No clearcutting in California
California. Tell them about the destruction of California’s forest legacy by ... to go away until clearcutting in California has been stopped! SAMPLE LETTER Dear _____________ : The health of California’s environment and economy is being jeopardized by clearcutting. Clearcutting harms native ...

Jackson Management Plan
Report (EIR) the state was proposing for the new management plan for the forest. Conservationists particularly objected to the amount of clearcutting permitted by Alternative G. In October, the board voted to support a revised Alternative G to the draft EIR that is based on a consensus plan supported by ... More from this site

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