Results 1 - 3 from 3 for clashing rocks in 0.124 sec.
Hawaiian Astronomical Society - Carina
Phineus from hideous birds called Harpies, the "Argonauts" had to make passage through the Clashing Rocks. These great rocks guarded the very narrow entrance to the Bosphorus by crushing anything in their way ... . As the rocks moved apart, Jason urged his men to row their hardest. The rocks closed in, looming on both sides through the mist. The ship sped forward through the clashing rocks; the ship ...
Bicycle Fixation: Dead End Street
... story gray house created in the image of the 12 others that surrounded it, with clashing red shutters and trees sculpted into a kid's dreamworld of climbing and forts and ... paper thin walls of the nearby houses, while mud pies compiled of wet dirt, caterpillars, rocks and flowers were made using the wheel of a red tricycle to compact them, while ...
Travel in Persia, 1800's
If he can avoid clashing or competing with the Government post, which has universal priority of claim; if he is ... Mussulman countries are beggars in their most offensive guise. kajavelt, which is very small and rocks disagreeably, is a most uncomfortable and almost impossible vehicle for Europeans, whose nether limbs are ...