clapper rails

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Exotics Guide
More recent observers have noted that Clapper Rails in San Francisco Bay are frequently missing one or more toes, and reported Clapper Rails with Geukensia demissa clamped to their toes or bills. In Newport Bay, Zembal and Fancher (1988) observed Light-footed Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris levipes) ...

FLMNH - Ornithology
Hawks, Crested Caracaras, and American Kestrels, and the Florida races of Seaside Sparrows and Clapper Rails. Rarities include sets of Passenger Pigeon, Carolina Parakeet, and Bachman's Warbler eggs. The bird ...

Critter Corner | California Clapper Rail
California clapper rails probe the mud with their long beaks to find worms and small invertebrates. Clapper rails can move quickly through marshes and will take cover when frightened or bothered. © PeterLaTourrette/ © PeterLaTourrette/ California clapper rails probe ...

National Wildlife Humane Society
Yuma clapper rails, Denney said. The endangered Southwestern willow flycatcher also nests in willows along the river. "Half ...

POST - Bair Island Tour
POST. Keep Your Eyes Open For: Endangered California clapper rails and salt marsh harvest mice. Also cottontail rabbits, peregrine falcons, pelicans, egrets, terns, and stilts ...

Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory - Checklist of the Birds of Sonora and Northwestern Mexico
Montezuma Quail Northern (Masked) Bobwhite W Scaled Quail Elegant Quail W Gambel's Quail Rails, Gallinules & Coots - Rallidae Clapper Rail Virginia Rail Sora Purple Gallinule Common Moorhen American Coot Cranes - Gruidae Sandhill ...

Coastal and Pelagic Birds of Long Island
Especially likely to be seen from Oct.1 - Oct 15. Family Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, & Coots) Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris) - regular breeding bird in the marshes found along the south shore ...