chunk people

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CSWAB: Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger
Will Return To Sauk Prairie by Members of the Ho-Chunk Nation The aboriginal territory of the Ho-Chunk people, formerly known as the Wisconsin Winnebago Tribe, once covered several million acres and extended throughout southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. Long before the arrival of European Americans, the Ho-Chunk people ...

CSWAB: Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger
Ho-Chunk Claim at Badger Why are the Badger lands important to the Ho-Chunk people? The lands now occupied by the Badger Army Ammunition Plant (BAAP) have very important historic and cultural significance to the Ho-Chunk people as it lies within the Ho-Chunk ... and anthropologists have recognized, the Ho-Chunk (Winnebago) people lived in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois ... More from this site

Linda Bergeron - Woodzen
On another day the voices came, the footsteps stayed. People moved into the house. Hammer sounds rang, there were human calls and whistles, and song ... gather an armload, bring it indoors and stack it. Into the fire one places a chunk of it, watching it take to the flames. Funny how each wood gives different warmth ...

Sustainable Sources: Austin Green Builder Program
Gail Vittori, Pliny Fisk, and the Center for Maximum Potential Building Services. People building new construction seem to participate more in the GBP than those who are retrofitting ... learn how to rate your building's efficiency in light of these demands. The final chunk has a glossary, references and a request for feedback. A larger database, the Sustainable Building ...

Try This At Home: How Wet is Our Planet
Many people think water is a limitless resource, yet simple calculations demonstrate the fact that the amount ... the students if it easy to make a trip to Antarctica to chip away a chunk of ice, then melt it in order to get a drink. Ask if it is ...

Bicycle Fixation: Biking in Rubber Boots
Southeast Alaska. Sitka is is home to 8500 people, who fish, log, teach, work for the government, run shops, and otherwise ... an eagle or two on a tree, and a raven picking at a chunk of food by a puddle. And of course the red flag and ... back to a potluck with our contribution. The combination of the crowd of people in town for the festivities, and the solitude of our swim and berry ...

Bicycle Fixation: Learning from Kitiganik
The People of the Brick Barbecue Now, contrast this with North American ... have not earned the right selfishly to take up a large chunk of land for our own use. We must remember that ... More from this site

Music and Nightlife | Metro Silicon Valley | This Week's Picks
Festival Redwood City Courthouse Square Downtown Redwood City Sun – 6-9pm; free Not many people associate breakdancing with Russian folk dancing, but there are some real similarities in the impressive ... Margera signed them to his record label. And unlike most contemporary bands, they owe another chunk of gratitude to the '80s lame rock act White Lion, which had to drop off ...

Montana Land Reliance // Land Trust - Conservation Easements
You Can Help Donate Now Direct Gifts Planned Giving FAQs MLR People Staff Directory Board Members Links Contact Us Newsroom Easements Conservation Easements ... in, buying a chunk a ground, and the first thing they do is start putting up signs. I guess you can’t blame people for coming ... like this forever.” About Us | How You Can Help | MLR People | Conservation Easements | Donate Now Contact ...

Topic | Environmental Research Foundation
Working Garden Mosaics Garden Mosaics projects promote science education while connecting young and old people as they work together in local gardens. Hope Meadows Hope Meadows is a planned inter ...

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