chemical fertilisers and pesticides

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Results 1 - 10 from 28 for chemical fertilisers and pesticides in 0.383 sec.

Organic farming and food The main principle of organic farming is that it severely restricts the use of artificial chemical fertilisers and pesticides and animals are reared without the routine use of drugs and ... see Labelling for origin and species Labelling and product information for fish and its products varies according to the nature ...

Freshwater: water pollution, brown water, riverbend, Ganga's sickness
He jumped into the river and saw snails as big as buildings and huge, ugly germs and insects. They all chased him and he started shouting for help. He woke up ... river mostly untreated. Also, there is the runoff from more than six million tons of chemical fertilisers and pesticides sprayed on the fields along its length. Thus, this holy symbol of purification has become ...

Less is more for Nepali rice
The method does not need the fields to be flooded, as is traditionally the case, and chemical fertilisers and pesticides are not required. Success arises from the mode of cultivation where the seedlings are transplanted from the nursery beds when they are only two weeks old instead of six; and ...

International Society for Ecology and Culture
West), but also on cash cropping and subsidised food. In so doing, it is ... Ladakhis used to put chemical fertilisers and pesticides on their fields without thinking. Now, thanks to ISEC's campaigns, it's very different. People are turning towards local and organic methods." Tsewang Rigzin ...

Farmers knew that keeping a variety of crops and livestock serves as a protection against drought , disease and ...

State of the River Yamuna
There are plans to bring 27.5 per cent more under agriculture: this means more abstraction from the river and also greater use and subsequent runoff of fertilisers and pesticides ...

Sanctuary Asia - Interviews
I am the only one in the family with a definite inclination towards forests and wildlife. What about your husband? What does he do and is he ... is contaminated by fertilisers and pesticides. Apart from low level toxics which have a cumulative effect, we lose Sarus Cranes and other grain-eating birds when they consume seeds treated with pesticides. An integrated pest ...

Picking Cotton Carefully
In fact, conventional and GM cotton accounts for 16 percent of global chemical pesticide use, more than any other single crop, and reaps US$2 billion for the chemical ... of seeds, fertilisers and pesticides supplied to them on credit. But because the farmers are also dependant for collection of their unsubsidised cotton harvest they must adhere to a pesticides spraying regime ...

IELRC.ORG - Agro-biotechnology: can it deliver?
On the economic side, both are associated ...

WWF - Policies and Practices: Public Awareness
By teaching careful, effective conservation and propagation programmes ... and in other household assets, particularly in television sets and scooters. Less water was being sourced directly from the river and there was a clear shift from chemical to organic fertilisers and pesticides ...

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