chemical composition

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Results 1 - 10 from 275 for chemical composition in 0.240 sec.

Oil fate during oil spills in the marine environment
The chemical composition of oil aggregates is rather changeable. However, most ... chemical composition and biological impact of natural gas in the sea. Waste discharges - sources, types and volumes of waste discharges during the offshore oil and gas activity are discussed. Chemical composition ...

What is Acid Rain and What Causes It?
They collect air and water samples and measure them for various characteristics like pH and chemical composition, and they research the effects of acid deposition on human-made materials such as ... again. For example, while the visibility might improve within days, and small or episodic chemical changes in streams improve within months, chronically acidified lakes, streams, forests, and soils can ...

Mineral Processing Waste | Wastes | US EPA
Mineral processing operations generally follow beneficiation and include techniques that often change the chemical composition of the ore or mineral, such as smelting, electrolytic refining, and acid attack or digestion ...

The Dolphin Institute - Resource Guide
For example, large aggregations of prey species will leave or disperse chemical traces of their presence (such as ... chemical composition. More importantly, perhaps, taste may help in communication about the sexual or receptive state of other members of their species. It has been suggested that excreted urine may contain pheromones (chemical ...

Aviation and the Global Atmosphere
Emissions on Atmospheric Ozon Chapter 3: Aviation-Produced Aerosols and Cloudiness Chapter 4: Modeling the Chemical Composition of the Future Atmosphere Chapter 5: Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance at the Ground Chapter 6: Potential ...

Due to its chemical composition, ARD poses potential harm to the environment and significant challenges to many mining industries requiring ...

Richard F. Yuretich
Massachusetts communities. He is currently the ... Hazardous Waste Sites: Bridging Flask and Field Studies, American Chemical Society Symposium Series No. 240, American Chemical Society, Washington DC. Shelobolina, E.S., Anderson, R.T., Vodyanitskii ...

Sable Island and Atmospheric Aerosol
The ability of aerosols to modify climate depends in part on their chemical composition, size and number, their ability to grow into cloud droplets, and their ability ... the NOAA Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory under John Ogren. The program monitored aerosol chemical composition and number density, as well as the aerosol optical properties of scattering and absorption ...

The UK Groundwater Forum
Triassic sandstones of the East Midlands of England 67KB Schematic diagram of downgradient chemical changes in groundwater 122KB The chemical composition of groundwater in the Chalk of the London Basin 74KB Potential infiltration ...

Wood Energy Data: Thermo-Chemical Process
Energy Data: Thermo-Chemical Process Biomass Energy Technology Wood Energy Data Thermo-Chemical Process Thermo-chemical processes convert biomass into higher-value or more convenient products. The process releases a gas, ... (bio-oil) and a mixture of gases. The ratio of the products varies with the chemical composition of the biomass and the operating conditions. For example the pyrolysis of 1 tonne ...

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