channels and streams

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Results 1 - 10 from 133 for channels and streams in 0.312 sec.

Earth and Space Foundation 2000 Awards
Basic field equipment was also used to study the speed of channel discharge. The research is interesting, because, by building up studies of channels and streams and their morphological features, we can begin to develop better models to study channels and streams on Mars and to determine ...

Gurley Precision Instruments - Hydrological Equipment
Products include Price and pygmy meters, digital indicators and headphone sets, support systems, including cranes, sounding reels and more. Their ... difficult of field survey conditions. All the instruments are completely portable and self-contained for operation in a field environment. ORIGIN In 1885, Gurley (then ...

Freshwater Website: Informational Resources and Services (Glossary)
Any body of running water moving under gravity flow through clearly defined natural channels to progressively lower levels. streamflow - ... a combination of hydrogen and oxygen; forms streams, lakes, and seas, and is a major constituent of all living matter. water conservation - The care, preservation, protection, and wise use of water. ...

Restoration of the Mono Basin Ecosystem
Riparian vegetation died, fisheries were destroyed, and occasional floods tore through the desiccated floodplains plugging up side channels and turning the main channels into wide, straight washes. Deprived of most of its inflow, Mono Lake dropped 45 vertical feet, lost half its volume, and doubled ...

Freshwater Website: Informational Resources and Services (Frequently Asked Questions)
Water that falls from the atmosphere as various types of precipitation and then runs off the land surface to form streams and rivers that eventually reach ... longer cycling time; after entering the ground from rainfall, it may percolate slowly through underground channels until it reaches underground reservoirs. In certain arid regions, the total water supply may ...

Your River and Its Watershed > EPA's American Heritage Rivers
River and Its Watershed What is the Initiative? Designated Rivers AHRI Contacts Your River and Its Watershed Your River and Its Watershed The quality of our nation's waters -- rivers, streams lakes, and ... draining or filling wetlands, and bulk-heading channels also degrade our water bodies. Even air pollutants from cars, power plants and other combustion sources harm our waters and the life they ...

Consequences (vol. 1, No. 1) - America's Water Supply: Status and Prospects for the Future
The evaporative process removes salts and other ... channels in response to climate- induced changes in supply or demand. Thus, large seasonal, annual, interannual, and regional variations in precipitation and runoff pose major challenges for planners and ...

Great Lakes Facts and Figures
New Hampshire combined, or about 23 percent of the province of Ontario). About 295,000 square miles/767,000 square kilometres in the watershed (the area where all the rivers and streams drain into the lakes). TOTAL COASTLINE United States and Canada -- 10,900 mi/17,549 km (including connecting channels, mainland and islands). The Great Lakes shoreline ...

Welcome to Forest and Bird
They come in many different guises, including streams, swamps, bogs, lakes, lagoons, estuaries, mudflats and flood plains. World Wetlands Day’s theme of Healthy Wetlands, ... of Mexico and its hurricanes. These wetlands removed much of the energy from wind and storm surges. But large-scale engineering projects, including shipping channels and levees, diverted sediment and freshwater ...

Global Stories : Water and Its Relationship With Society
Huge flumes (water channels that drive a mill wheel) were dug out. These were the main trunk lines. The floor of such channels was made of wood. It featured grooves filled with sand and clay in order to make the floor durable and ... and was even suitable for drinking. This also cut down the expenses on a sewage system. Initially, Edo depended on the small rivers and streams ...

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