chairman shall

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Results 1 - 10 from 109 for chairman shall in 0.398 sec.

Helcom : Procedure
Chairman six months in advance. If the Chairman finds it necessary to be absent during any meeting or any part thereof and/or is unable to perform his/her functions the Vice‑Chairman shall take his/her place. 2.3 The Chairman shall serve for a ... representative to request that any ruling by the Chairman shall be submitted to the Commission for decision by ...

Helcom : Convention
Commission shall be given to each Contracting Party in turn in alphabetical order of the names of the Contracting Parties in the English language. The Chairman shall serve for a period of two years, and cannot during the period of chairmanship serve as a representative of the Contracting Party holding the chairmanship. Should the chairman fail to ... More from this site

Chairman, Cochairman, and Secretary. Announcement of these appointments shall be made during the business meeting that is held during the Congress. Following the announcement, the Chairman shall assume the office of Past Chairman ...

Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (1992)
Commission shall be given to each Contracting Party in turn in alphabetical order of the names of the Contracting Parties in the English language. The Chairman shall serve for a period of two years, and cannot during the period of chairmanship serve as a representative of the Contracting Party holding the chairmanship. Should the chairman fail to ...

International Convention for the Prevention of Polluiton from Ships
Chairman of the Tribunal and of all general expenses incurred by the Arbitration shall be borne equally by the Parties. The Tribunal shall keep a record of all its expenses and shall ... Parties were responsible shall not constitute an impediment to the Tribunal reaching a decision. In cases of equal voting, the vote of the Chairman shall be decisive. 2. The Parties shall facilitate the work ... More from this site

NPC Law Library: Noise References in the United States Code of Federal Regulations
It shall take a decision by a majority of 54 votes, the votes of the Member States being weighted as provided for in Article 148 (2) of the Treaty. The chairman shall not vote. (b) The Commission shall adopt the intended measures ...

OSPAR / The OSPAR Convention
Chairman. A Chairman or a Vice-Chairman who is a delegate shall not act as a delegate as long as he/she is sitting as Chairman. 14. The duties of the Chairman shall be ... at the meeting. A vice-chairman shall hold office for two years, unless the main committee decides otherwise when making an election. A vice-chairman shall assist the chairman and shall replace him/her if he ...

BCIA - Constitution
BCIA Members. The Management Committee shall comprise eight members, consisting of the presiding ... 13.3 Chairmanship Chairmen shall be selected by internal election from Group Members. The Chairman shall serve a two-year term, but is eligible for re-election. 13.4 Aims and Objectives The scope and strategic aims and objectives for any Group shall ...

NoiseOFF - The Citizens Coalition Against Noise Pollution - Queens Community Board 1 By-Laws
Supervise. Shall turn over all records to his/her successor. Shall send an agenda to the Borough ... ) The First Vice Chairman Shall have the SAME power, authority and duties of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson. Shall be EX ... to have the board consider a subject, shall advise the Chairperson and said subject shall be placed on the agenda. The members ...

Chairman of the Trustees addresses European Parliament
IASC Foundation. The Trustees or a subgroup of the Trustees shall meet the Monitoring Group at least once annually, and more frequently as appropriate. ... Chairman of the Japan Financial Services Agency or Chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission is the chair of the IOSCO Technical Committee), the chairman of the Japan Financial Services Agency, the chairman ...

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