Results 1 - 10 from 60 for ceremonial house in 0.380 sec.
Our Beliefs: Looking Both Ways
In the qasgiq [ceremonial house], the men sit on benches, the women on the floor beneath ... from the sky and undersea worlds to come to the ceremonial house. Each dance began with the purifying smoke of burning herbs. ... , and English while carrying a "Star of Bethlehem" from house to house. This custom, originally from the Ukraine, represents the journey of ...
Construction of Kau Hale O Hana Underway
O Hana will consist of living quarters, a cooking house and an open meeting house which will contain interpretive panels with related imagery. ... Department of Education Cultural Resource who has constructed many authentic grass house demonstration projects on the island of Oahu and the mainland, ... the opening of our Kau Hale O Hana with a ceremonial landing at Ka Pueokahi (Hana Bay). As many of Hana ' ...
Fisheries and Marine Mammals: Most Recent Developments
-- 9/05/97
Marine Fisheries . NMFS Oversight Hearings. The House Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife, and Oceans has tentatively scheduled an oversight ... Harvest. On Aug. 1, 1997, Puyallup tribal officials announced interest in subsistence and ceremonial harvesting butter clams from beaches in the Titlow Beach marine reserve area, near Tacoma ...
Water Quantity and Use in the Great Lakes Region
Green Bay Press-Gazette (8/11) When the U.S. House of Representatives returns from its vacation next month, it will have ... Great Lakes compact stalls Erie Times-News (8/5) The U.S. House of Representatives began its traditional August recess without a vote on ... to the water in Lake Erie. Granholm comes to Ann Arbor for ceremonial signing of Great Lakes Compact legislation The Ann Arbor News (8/4 ...
Water Conservation in the Great Lakes Region
Lake Erie. Granholm comes to Ann Arbor for ceremonial signing of Great Lakes Compact legislation The Ann Arbor News (8/4) With the Huron ... website, the animated software program shows effective ways to save water inside and outside the house. Teacher’s Notes: Waste Water Watcher Several educational activities that introduces water issues dealing with ...
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Healthy Families, Healthy Environment: News Archives
"Is it not written: " 'My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations'? But you have made it ... changes may need to be made to “clean up” our Father’s house. We have an article filled with suggestions in our “Your Community” ... and all the Jews do not eat unless they give their hands a ceremonial washing, holding to the tradition of the elders. When they come from ...
The Oceanic Resource Foundation: Underwater Photography / Marine Conservation
The Makahs are now planning to revive their dead culture by ceremonial whale hunts. Tribal elders have appealed to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) for permission to ... we must change what we're doing now to prevent further irreversible decline. A White House Conference on the Marine Environment would help to highlight what's known about marine environmental ...
Untitled Document
Uru Sona (Ceremonial Women) and closely related to the shamans in that they performed crucial ceremonial duties, as well as being responsible for making ceremonial items. Obedience, diligence, and discretion ... the status of Uru Sona. Both girls fail in obedience the moment they leave the house and follow Malili (the king vulture) to get the genipap. The two girls are actually ...
Tikal, by Carlos R. Solis
As a small band we started in that direction, only to stop half way and ... would be the place that I would like to visit, as a priest, during a ceremonial day, but with the knowledge of who I am and where I was. Eventually the ...
Native American Sacred Lands Act (Introduced in House)
Native American Federal land from significant damage. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT ... is sacred by virtue of its traditional cultural or religious significance or ceremonial use, or by virtue of a ceremonial or cultural requirement, including a religious requirement that a natural substance or ...
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