Results 1 - 10 from 20 for cavity nesters in 0.255 sec.
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Guillemots are cavity nesters. The nest sites were in a variety of old building materials, window frames, 55-gallon ...
NMPIF Other 2
These snags are used by a variety of cavity nesters, both those which make cavities, such as woodpeckers, but also those which use these cavities ...
Environmental Studies - Successful Proposals, 2005-2006
Ecoscape signage and educational materials Xeriscape plantings in Central Park Fisher Farm Park study of cavity nesters Greenspaces Project Linking the Campus and Community through a Local Environmental Resource * Not all proposals ...
Science and the Environment Bulletin: Woodpeckers Main Thread in Nest Web
The study shows that two species of woodpecker and one species of tree are the main threads in a complex "nest web" that connects the diverse members of the cavity ... nesting holes not only support 19 species of secondary cavity nesters—including ducks, songbirds and owls—but are also sometimes used by weak primary cavity nesters such as chickadees and nuthatches, which sometimes ...
Gap Boycott's letter to CDF on 10/17/97
A host of other sensitive species were ignored (such as the 50+ species of cavity nesters) or were given a slapdash, confusing and contradictory dismissal, such as the Northern Goshawk. The ...
Gap Boycott's letter to CDF on 11/24/97
(Goshawk habitat, for instance). No listed cavity nesters and no listed plants were mentioned (hundreds of species altogether). Is it wise to wipe ...
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Georgia-Pacific - Educational in Nature - Birds & Forests
... coloring or design canopy - the uppermost spreading, branchy layer of a forest carnivores - meat-eaters cavity nesters - birds that build their nests in hollowed-out, protected spaces such as tree trunks forage ...
American Kestrels in Kansas
Females have rusty-brown wings. Kestrels are cavity nesters. They will use old woodpecker cavities and holes in trees, rocky cliffs and buildings. They ...
Index of Topics for "This Week at Hilton Pond" (2000)
Winter Ice Storms 22-28--#4---Eastern Bluebirds March 2000 01-07--#5---Bluebird Boxes & Cavity Nesters 08-14--#6---Underground Power Installation & Calico American Goldfinch 15-21--#7---Spring Phenology 22 ...
NMPIF Forests 2
Allowing fire likely favors snag nesters such as Whiskered Screech-Owl and Strickland's Woodpecker in the long-term, but snag ... , especially if they burn in a mosaic pattern over the landscape (Ganey et al. 1996). Cavity-nesters will probably benefit from "mosaic" fires, especially along edges of unburned areas (Ganey et al ...
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