casein paints

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Natural Building Colloquium
It is best to use water-based paints on walls because of better vapor diffusion and breathability. Casein Paints Instructions to make casein paint: Take one liter non-fat or 2% milk ... flake off. A casein spackle can be made by adding whiting to the casein and kneading it. Adding Oil to Casein Paints Linseed oil is the preferred oil to add to casein paints, with boiled linseed ...

Sourcebook: Paints, Finishes and Adhesives
There are some local sources for natural paints. COST: Water-based and solvent-free adhesives and low VOC paints are competitively priced. Low biocide paints and natural ... Eco Design 1365 Rufina Circle Santa Fe, NM 87501 (800) 621-2591 natural finishes & products & casein paint Chem-Safe Products P. O. Box 33023 San Antonio, TX 78265 (210) 657-5321 ...

Dairy Workshop Vocabulary
Casein: a phosphoprotein of milk as one that is precipitated from milk by heating with an acid or by the action of lactic acid in souring and is used in making paints ... yellowish part of milk containing from 18 to about 40 percent butterfat Curd: the thick casein-rich part of coagulated milk Freezing Point Depression: the lowering of the freezing point by ...

Access Green Building Alliance
Paints - originate from plant resins, ethereal oil, mineral fillers, pigments with citrus oils, or linseed oils. These paints generally do not use synthetic solvents, resins, fungicides, or softeners. Milk protein (casein) paints are also in this category. Oil-Based Paints - ...

Green Building Environmentally Friendly Paints - Eco Friendly Paints, Natural Paints, Low VOC Paint
Paint Natural paints are made from natural raw ingredients such as water, plant oils and resins, plant dyes and essential oils; natural minerals such as clay, chalk and talcum; milk casein, natural ... have a pleasant fragrance of citrus or essential oils. Allergies and sensitivities to these paints is uncommon. These paints are the safest for your health and for the environment. Recycled PaintsCSI ...