carefresh ultra

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Cage Bedding for Short-Tailed Opossums
CareFresh Ultra and Cell-Sorb Plus. CareFresh & CareFresh Ultra CareFresh is frequently recommended as a good alternative to wood-based litter (like cedar, pine and aspen). The Regular CareFresh is brown, seems flat and dusty and has noticeable smells after a short time of use. The Ultra is slightly more expensive, but I think it's great! The white Ultra ...

Reviews: A Closer Look at Ferret Stuff
You will want to crawl in WITH them. CareFresh Bedding The Extreme Weezils USED to have this product spread liberally over their cage floor ... a dozen brands of ferret kibble and prefer this one... 8 in 1 Pro Ultimate Ultra Blend... Kept in a small amount for variety Litter: Yesterday's News Swells up when ...