Results 1 - 10 from 48 for carbon nitrogen ratio in 0.354 sec.
Compost making
Materials such as sawdust, paper, straw or dead leaves, have a high carbon content. (Usually brown) Manure, fresh plants, guano, blood meal, urine, slurry are high in nitrogen. In the ... ammonia and flies. Turn your pile and add carbon rich material. Too wide a C/N ratio slows the composting. The lack of sufficient nitrogen coupled with low temperatures and too much ...
Special Offers
Composting by aerobic microbes converts organic material into stable humus, carbon dioxide and water. Composting by anaerobic microbes, on the other hand, converts organic ... organic materials with the proper carbon/nitrogen ratio of about 25 to 1. Thus, during spring and summer, when yard wastes are predominantly green grass, a carbon source of wood chips, sawdust, ...
CRRA Resource Management Professional Certification
Composting. This portion of the course will introduce the fundamental biological principles of composting: feedstocks, carbon:nitrogen ratio, moisture content, aeration/porosity, temperature; including a concise discussion of the biological process. (3) Overview ...
The Basics of Green Manuring
The humus content is only increased appreciably if material fairly resistant to decomposition is added to the soil (high Carbon:Nitrogen ratio), and this type of plant material is typically low in nitrogen (less than 1.5 per cent on a dry-weight basis). The available nitrogen supply is only increased ...
Composting: Why Compost? How to Compost?
Materials with high levels of carbon relative to nitrogen include paper, straw, sawdust, old leaves. Some food wastes, green plants, and grass clippings tend to be relatively high in nitrogen ... pile, it is important to provide enough nitrogen to the microorganisms to enable them to decompose the carbonaceous material. The carbon/nitrogen ratio in the material about to be ...
More from this site
Carbon/nitrogen ratio - The proportion of carbon to nitrogen which affects how quickly microorganisms work. The ideal "C/N" ratio ... cylindrical worms parasitic in animals or plants or free-living in soil or water. Nitrogen - An element necessary for the construction of all living tissue. Represented as "N". ...
Natural Building Colloquium
However, too much carbon results in very slow compost digestion and lower temperatures. A carbon/nitrogen ratio (c/n ratio) of 30:1 is recommended. Urine has high nitrogen content and feces have a somewhat lower nitrogen content; both need additional carbon to make ...
The American Permaculture Directory
Rows of trees separating bands of crops. Aquaculture - Food production using water as the medium. Carbon-Nitrogen ratio - Ratio of C to N in organic matter, useful in composting. Chicken tractor - A portable, ... using undergound channels to recharge groundwater supplies. Legume - Plant which can manufacture its own Nitrogen with the help of bacteria living in the plant roots. LETS - Local Exchange (or ...
Ground cover plants - Plants For A Future
Crop Research Project with info on "Make the most of legumes to fix and keep nitrogen in your soil" use of Cover Crops and Mulching. Database The database has more details ... your main crop, soil and needs. For example, right now I'm interested on the carbon/nitrogen ratio of the plant.Ground cover plants. Fri Jun 22 02:07:08 2001 Try given ...
The ideal carbon/nitrogen ratio is 15 to 30-parts to one of nitrogen. Very little of this soil nitrogen is used to make plant tissue, which is largely dependent on photosynthesis for its growth. But the C/N ratio ...
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